South Dakota Used Books both Nonfiction and Fiction, adult and children, about South Dakota and by South Dakota authors. (2/5/25)
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A# Author Title Note
- Aaberg, Carol, compiler/editor. From Aaberg Nord Aurdal, Oppland Norway To America Generation by Generation 1865-2001. Sold
- Aadland, Don. Women and Warriors of the Plains. The Pioneer Photography of Julia E. Tuell.
- Abel, Annie Heloise. Chardon’s Journal At Fort Clark 1834-1839.
- Abel, Annie Heloise. Tabeau's Narrative of Loisel's Expedition to the Upper Missouri. Sold
- Aberdeen News. Farm Forum 50 The Green Sheet. (/A)
- Abbott, Arthur. The Black Hills Caper. A Murder Mystery of the Black Hills of SD. (*a)
- Abourezk, James G. Advise & Dissent Memoirs of South Dakota & the US Senate.
- Abrahamson, Grace. Mrs Shay Did It! (A)(*c)
- Adams, Andy. The Log Of A Cowboy. (B/D)
- Adams, Alexander B. Sitting Bull An Epic Of The Plains. (B) (*a)
- Adams, Alexander B. Sunlight and Storm.
- Adler, David A. A Picture Book of Sitting Bull.
- Agenbroad, Larry D & Paul C Tychsen. The Hot Springs Mammoth Site.
- Agnew, Allen F & Paul C & Jim I. Mead, Editors. Tychsen A Guide To Stratigraphy of South Dakota. Sold
- Ahern, Rev Patrick H. , editor. Catholic Heritage in MN, ND & SD. (B)
- Aikman, Duncan. Calamity Jane & the Lady Wildcats. SOLD
- Akeley, Lewis E. This Is What We Had In Mind. Early Memories of The University of South Dakota.
- Allen, Albert H., editor. Dakota Imprints 1858-1889. Sold
- Allen, Mary Lou Wooledge. Family In Turmoil. Sold
- Altsheler, Joseph A. The Last of The Chiefs Story of Great Sioux War. Sold
- Aman, Ray. Dakota Sky.
- Ambrose, Stephen E. Crazy Horse and Custer. (B)
- Amrine, Michael. This Is Humphrey.
- Anderson, Arthur B. 1891-1971 Years Of Challenge. (B/A)
- Anderson, Gary Clayton. Little Crow Spokesman For the Sioux.
- Anderson, Gary Clayton & Alan R. Woolworth, editors. Through Dakota Eyes Narrative Accts of Minnesota Indian War of 1862.
- Anderson, Iola M. The Singing Hills Story of Life On The Prairies of South Dakota. Sold
- Anderson, Mel. Pony Tracks: Renegades and Ranching on the Rez.
- Anderson, William, editor. Ingalls Family Album. SOLD
- Anderson, William T. Laura's Rose: The Story of Rose Wilder Lane. Sold
- Anderson, William. The Story of the Ingalls. Sold
- Anderson, William T. The Story Of The Wilders. SOLD
- Anderson, William T. editor. A Wilder in the West. SOLD
- Andrews, John, Bernie Hunhoff, Roger Holtzman, Katie Hunhoff. South Dakota Outlaws & Scofflaws.
- Andrist, Ralph K. The Long Death Last Days of Plains Indians. (A)
- Ankrum, Betty Jean Van Balen. Raized On The Rez Views, Visions & Wisdom of the West. (/C)
- Annes, Neil D. The Western Code And Other Poems. (poetry) Sold
- Anson, Robert Sam. A Biography McGovern. (A)(*a)
- Argus Leader, The. South Dakota 99 Illustrated Profiles of 99 People. (B/A)
- Armstrong, Moses K. The Early Empire Builders of the Great West (1901). (A/A)
- Armstrong, Moses K. History of Resources of Dakota, Montana & Idaho. (*a)
- Armstrong, Dr. Nelson. Nuggets Of Experience Narratives of the Sixties & Other Days with graphic descriptions of thrilling personal adventures (1906). (/A)
- Armstrong, Virginia Irving, compiled by. I Have Spoken. American History Through The Voices Of The Indians.
- Arpad, Joseph J. & Kenneth R. Lincoln. Buffalo Bill's Wild West.
- Artichoker, Jr., John. Indians of South Dakota.
- Artichocker, John, Jr. & Neil M. Palmer. The Sioux Indian Goes to College.
- Associated Commercial Clubs. The Black Hills of South Dakota.
- Association on American Indian Affairs, Inc. Program & Proceedings 1st Annual Conference For Tribal Judges, Vermillion, SD, Mar. 2-6, 1959.
- Ashton, Diane E. & Eileen M. Dowd. Fragile Legacy Endangered, Threatened & Rare Animals of South Dakota.
- Athearn, Robert G. Forts Of The Upper Missouri. Sold
- Athearn, Robert G. High Country Empire - The High Plains & Rockies. (/A)
- Atherton, Lewis. The Cattle Kings. (*c)
- Atherton, Loren G. & Nora M. Dakota Birds I Song & Insectivorous Birds of SD. (C/A)
- Atherton, Loren G. The Government of South Dakota State And Local.
- Atherton, Loren G. & Nora M. South Dakota Geography. (/A)
- Aune, Edla. Journey Down the Road. Sold
- Austin, Ellen, compiler & editor. Dear Companion - Civil War Letters to Anna Daily. Sold
B# Author Title Note
- Babcock, Elaine. Country-fried Life in the Dakotas. (/A)
- Bach, Marcus. The Dream Gate.
- Bailey, Bernadine. South Dakota A Story of Prairie Days.
- Baird, John D. Davy. (*a)
- Baisch, Stella P. Trail and Highway.
- Bakeless, John. The Adventures of Lewis and Clark.
- Bakeless, John. Lewis & Clark Partners In Discovery.
- Bakken, Stephen C. The Bet On It! Book of South Dakota Trivia. SOLD
- Baldwin, George P. & The Black Hills Mining Men's Assoc The Black Hills Illustrated 1904.
- Ball, John, David F. Graeper & Carol M.F. Wake. Shrubs for South Dakota.
- Ballantine, Bill. High West.
- Barber, Betty. Read Me A Story Without a Book, Grandmother.
- Barkdull, Tom. Lonesome Walls An Odyssey Through Ghost Towns of the Old West. (A)(*a)
- Barker, Matilda T. Our State. (/H)
- Barker, Matilda Tarleton. Our State History Workbook.
- Barkley, Bob & Betty. Blizzard Of ’49.
- Barnes, Ruby McAdam. A Full Day In A Village Post Office (1940). (/B)
- Barton Winifred W. John P. Williamson A Brother to the Sioux (1919). SOLD
- Bartos, Bob. Memories of the Millennium (20 short stories).
- Bartos, Bob. New Memories of the Millennium Two (55 short stories).
- Batchelder, George Alexander. A Sketch Of The History & Resources Of Dakota Territory. SOLD
- Baum, L. Frank. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. (A)(*a)
- Baumhoff, Richard G. The Dammed Missouri Valley.
- Baxter, Charles. The South Dakota Guide Book.
- Bearss, Elma Scheel. My Gift to You.
- Beadle, William Henry Harrison. Autobiography of. (B/B)
- Beck, Bill. Light Across the Prairies. (C/G)
- Bedeau, Michael. Granite Faces & Concrete Critters Automobile Tourism in the Badlands & Black Hills, SD. SOLD
- Belzer, Dave. My Lifetime Journey with God.
- Bender, Tony. Prairie Beat.
- Bennett, Estelline. Old Deadwood Days. Sold
- Bennett, Eve. April Wedding. (*a)
- Bennett, Eve. Concerning Casey.
- Berg, Francie M. South Dakota Land of Shining Gold. (C/B)
- Berger, Thomas. Little Big Man. SOLD
- Berger, Thomas. The Return of Little Big Man.
- Berry, Jr., Charles R., Kenneth Higgins, David Willis, Steven Chipps. History Of Fisheries and Fishing In South Dakota.
- Best, Ron. Colby: A Dog's Story.
- Black Hills of South Dakota, A Visit To The. (travel pamphlet 1940s?) (file)
- Black Hills RC&D of South Dakota / North Central Nebraska RC&D. South Dakota / Nebraska Weed Identification Guide.
- Blackorby, Edward C. Prairie Rebel, Public Life of William Lemke. (*a)
- Blair, A. Scott Compiled by Mildred Blair Hawkin. Dakota Pioneer.
- Blair, Todd & Karen Garvey. Corncob Fuel and Cold Prairie Winters. Tales from the Good Old Days in Eastern and Northeastern South Dak.
- Blake, Michael. Dance With Wolves. SOLD
- Blake, Michael. Marching To Valhalla Novel of Custer's Last Days
- Blakely, H. W. Papers Of The 10th Dakota History Conference 1979.
- Blakely, H.W. Papers Of The 11th Dakota History Conference 1980.
- Blakely, H.W. Papers Of The 14th Dakota History Conference 1983.
- Blasingame, Ike. Dakota Cowboy My Life In the Old Days. (B)
- Block, Eugene B. Great Stagecoach Robbers Of The West. SOLD
- Blumer, Boyd A. Parables Of A Country Preacher.
- Boever, Valerie J. Margaret and Midnight The Alaska Malamute.
- Bohmker, T.H. Gold Panners Guide To The Black Hills. SOLD
- Bojer, Johan The Emigrants. (B)
- Boone, C.F. The Rapid City Flood June 9, 1972. (/D)
- Boone, Deanna V. Doc Peeke.
- Booth, Walter S. The Justice's Manual For the State of SD 1891 1st Edition.
- Bordeaux, G. Jake. The Name I Carved Into Bleeding Stone. (poetry).
- Borglum, Lincoln. Mount Rushmore The Story Behind The Scenery. (/A)
- Bormann, Ernest G. Homesteading In The Badlands - 1912, "The Last, Best West". (B/F)(*b)
- Bower, B.M. The Heritage of the Sioux. SOLD
- Boyles, Kate & Virgil D. The Homesteaders. (B/A)
- Boyles, Kate & Virgil D. The Spirit Trail.
- Boyles, Virgil D. & O.W. Coursey. Where The Sod Shanty Stood. (B/B)
- Brady, Cyrus Townsend Indian Fights And Fighters (A)(*a)
- Brady, Dolores South Dakota And Me. SOLD
- Bradfield, Byron. White River Pete Sez. (*a)
- Brandt, Roger & Dan Jorgensen. Family Hiking Trails in South Dakota.
- Bray, Martha Coleman. Joseph Nicollet And His Map.
- Brehe, Jane M. South Dakota Wagon Train 1989 Vol. 1. SOLD
- Breneman, Mary Worthy. The Land They Possessed. (D/B)
- Brewer, Agnes. Stone Links.
- Bridge, George Sr. This Is My Life. (B/B)(*cd)
- Briggs, Howard E. The Development of Agriculture in Territorial Dakota. SOLD
- Briggs, William Harlowe. Dakota In The Morning. SOLD
- Brixey, Phyllis C. The Schoolhouse by the Road.
- Brokaw, Tom. Boom! Voices Of The Sixties.
- Brokaw, Tom. The Greatest Generation. (B/A)
- Brokaw, Tom. The Greatest Generation Speaks. (B)
- Brokaw, Tom. A Long Way From Home. (C/A)
- Brokaw, Tom. Tom Brokaw An Album of Memories. Personal Histories from the Greatest Generation.
- Broken Leg, Martin & Herbert T. Hoover. Yanktonia: Sioux Water Colors Cultural Remembrances of John Saul.
- Brooks, Chester L. & Ray H. Mattison. Theodore Roosevelt and the Dakota Badlands.
- Brooks, Elbridge S. The Master Of The Strong Hearts Story of Custer’s Last Rally. SOLD
- Brooks, Noah. The Boy Emigrants.
- Brooks, John H. And God Laughed.
- Broome, Edwin & Edwin W. Adams. Conduct And Citizenship. (/A)
- Brown, David L. Three Years in the Rocky Mountains. (*a)
- Brown, Dee. Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee Indian History of the American West. (B/C)(*a)
- Brown, Dee. Creek Mary’s Blood. (B)
- Brown, Dee w/Martin F. Schmitt. Fighting Indians of the West.
- Brown, Dee. Fort Phil Kearny. (*a)
- Brown, Dee. The Gentle Tamers Women of the Old Wild West. (/A)
- Brown, Dee. Hear That Lonesome Whistle Blow.
- Brown, Dee. Killdeer Mountain Novel.
- Brown, Dee & Martin F. Schmitt. Trail Driving Days. (*a)
- Brown, Dee. The Westerners. (/A)
- Brown, Joseph Epes. The Sacred Pipe. (A)(*a)
- Brown, Joseph Epes & Michael F. Steltenkamp. The Sacred Pipe & Black Elk, Holy Man Of The Oglala. SOLD
- Brown, Mark H. & W.R. Felton. Before Barbed Wire L.A. Huffman, Photographer on Horseback. SOLD
- Brown, Mark H. & W.R. Felton. The Frontier Years. SOLD
- Brown, Vinson. Great Upon The Mountain Crazy Horse of America. (*a)
- Bruhn, Florence. Student Workbook in Art. (/A)
- Bryde, John F. Modern Indian Psychology. (/A)
- Buechel, Eugene. Rosebud and Pine Ridge Photographs, 1922-1942. (*e)
- Buel, J.W. The Life and Wonderful Adventures of Wild Bill. (*a)
- Buffalo Bill and the Wild West. (/A)
- Buffalo Bill & His Wild West Companions. SOLD
- Buffalo Bill’s Raid Of Death.
- Burba, Evadna Cochrane. This Is My Story; This Is My Song Life of Nettie Schoettler Cochrane.
- Burges, T.R., editor. “The Rural Connection” Story of SD Telephone Co.
- Burke, John. Buffalo Bill The Noblest Whiteskin.
- Burke, Laurel L. Dakota Apparitions Collection Of Short Stories.
- Burke, Laurel L. Dakota Apparitions 2 "The River" And Other Short Stories.
- Burkholder (Rolla), Mrs. Ethel. Presbytery Of South Dakota.
- Burleigh, B.W. & G.G. Wenzlaff. A Book of Dakota Rhymes. (poetry). SOLD
- Burroughs, John. Camping & Tramping With Roosevelt.
- Burt, Olive. Sacajawea Visual Biography.
- Burton, Sir Richard. The Look Of The West 1860. Across the Plains to California.
- Bushfield, Harlan Governor. Inaugural Address 27th Session 1941.
- Butler, Liet. Col. The Hero Of Pine Ridge. SOLD
- Bye, John O. Back Trailing In The Heart Of The Short Grass Country. SOLD
C# Author Title Note
- Caldwell, Warren W. , Lee G. Madison & Bernard Golden. Archeological Investigations at the Hickey Brothers Site, Big Bend Reservoir, Lyman County, SD. SOLD
- Calkins, Franklin Welles. The Wooing of Tokala. SOLD
- Campbell, family of O.C. The Family of O.C. Campbell.
- Capossela, Peter. The Land Along The River. The Ongoing of the Sioux Nation Land Claim 1851-2012.
- Caras, Roger A. The Custer Wolf. SOLD
- Carbonneau, Laura Schoen. South Dakota Korean War Memorial Book of Heroes. Commemorative Edition.
- Carley, Kenneth. The Sioux Uprising of 1862.
- Carlson, L. Bondell. Adventure In Poetry. (poetry) SOLD
- Carlson, Stanley. The Rose (novel).
- Carpenter, Allan. The New Enchantment of America: South Dakota. (B/B)
- Carpenter, Angelica Shirley & Jean Shirley. L. Frank Baum: Historian of O.
- Carr, G. Sam. Back to Deadwood Collection of Short Stories Set in the Black Hills.
- Carr, J.L. The Harpole Report. (*a)
- Carroll, John M. Buffalo Soldier West. (A)(*b)
- Carson, Mary Eisenman. Black Robe for the Yankton Sioux. Fr. Sylvester Eisenman, O.S.B. (1891-1948). Sold
- Carter, Charles W. Missionaries Extraordinary.
- Case, Lee. The Official Guide Book To The Black Hills and The Badlands.
- Cassells, E. Steve Prehistoric Hunters of the Black Hills
- Casey, Robert J. Battle Below The War Of The Submarines. (/B)
- Casey, Robert J. The Black Hills And Their Incredible Characters. SOLD
- Casey, Robert J. Chicago Medium Rare When We Were Both Boys.
- Casey, Robert J. , editorial advisor. Everything And the Kitchen Sink.
- Casey, Robert J. Four Faces Of Sira The Detective Story Of A Vanished Race.
- Casey, Robert J. & Mary Borglum. Give The Man Room. Sold
- Casey, Robert J. The Land Of Haunted Castles.
- Casey, Robert J. & W.A.S. Douglas. The Midwesterner The Story of Dwight H. Green.
- Casey, Robert J. More Interesting People.
- Casey, Robert J. Mr. Clutch Story of George William Borg.
- Casey, Robert J. The Secret Of 37 Hardy Street.
- Casey, Robert J. Such Interesting People.
- Casey, Robert J. This Is Where I Came In.
- Casey, Robert J. Torpedo Junction With the Pacific Fleet from Pearl Harbor to Midway.
- Casey, Robert J. & W.A.S. Douglas. The World’s Biggest Doers The Story of the Lions. Sold
- Cash, Joseph H. Working The Homestake. (/A)
- Castle, Marian. Deborah. (B)
- Castle, Marian. The Golden Fury.
- Cather, Willa. O Pioneers! (B)
- Cattermole, E.G. Famous Frontiersmen, Pioneers and Scouts; The Vanguards Of American Civilization.
- Cecil, Chuck. The RFD News.
- Cenaffra, David & Rebecca Swift, illustrator. Porter The Hoarder. (C)
- Cerney, Jan. The Fort Pierre-Deadwood Gold Trail. Sold
- Chamberlain, Mrs. J.H. Blizzard Of ’49.
- Chapman, Raymond A. My State And Nation. (/A)
- Chapman, William McK. Remember the Wind A Prairie Memo. (C/A)
- Chard, Sarah. Looking Toward The Sunset. (poetry) (/D)
- Charging Eagle, Tom & Ron Zeilinger. Black Hills: Sacred Hills. (B)
- Charles, Ann. Don't Let It Snow In Deadwood.
- Charles, Ann. Gone Haunting In Deadwood.
- Charles, Ann. Rattling The Heat In Deadwood.
- Cheney, Roberta Carkeek. The Big Missouri Winter Count.
- Chiaventone, Frederick J. A Road We Do Not Know A Novel of Custer at the Little Bighorn.
- Childers, Cleo. That Cat.
- Chilson, PS. Serving God Serving Time.
- Chittenden, Hiram Martin. History of Early Steamboat Navigation On The Missouri River Life & Adventures of Joseph La Barge. Sold
- Chrisman, Harry E. Lost Trails of the Cimarron. (*a)
- Christensen, Gardell. Dano. (*a)
- Christensen, Keith, editor. History of the South Dakota Highway Patrol with Career Stories by Officers & Wives.
- Churchill, Edward P. & William H. Over. Fishes of South Dakota.
- Churchill, Edward P. Three Thousand Coyotes And I. (/A)
- Calamity Jane. Life and Adventures of Calamity Jane. (*a)
- Clairmonte, Glenn. Calamity Was The Name for Jane. (B)
- Clark, Badger. Boots and Bylines. (A)(*b)
- Clark, Badger. Sun And Saddle Leather . Sold
- Clark, Badger. Spike The Biography of an Arizona Cowboy (novel). (/A)
- Clark, Badger. Sky Lines and Wood Smoke. (poetry) (/A)
- Clark, Badger. When Hot Springs Was A Pup. (A)(*b)
- Clark, Champ & editors of Time-Life books. The Badlands – The American Wilderness. (*b)
- Clark, Harry Chester, Sr. Alaska’s Silent Birdmen. Dakota Territory to the Territory of Alaska. Sold
- Clark, LaVerne Harrell. Re-Visiting The Plains Country of Mari Sandoz. Sold
- Clark, Robert A. , editor. The Killing of Chief Crazy Horse. (B)
- Clark, George F. Love to All, George A Seabee Writes Home.
- Clarkson, Maud M. Wool Gathering Saga Of A Pioneer Dakota Family. Sold
- Cleaver, Ursula Gore. Lines From the Black Hills. (poetry)
- Clem, Alan L. Government By The People. SD Politics in the Last Third of the 20th Century.
- Clem, Alan L. South Dakota Political Almanac.
- Clem, Alan L. & James Rumbolz. Law Enforcement: The South Dakota Experience. (/B)
- Clem, Alan, L. & George M. Platt. A Bibliography of South Dakota Government & Politics.
- Cline, D.J. Perfection Never Less. The Vera Nay Marghab Story.
- Clowser, Don. Dakota Indian Treaties. (*e)
- Clowser, Don C. Deadwood The Historic City. (A)(*e)
- Clow, Richmond. Chasing the Glitter. Black Hills Milling, 1874-1959.
- Coakley, Mary Lewis. Mister Music Maker Lawrence Welk. Sold
- Coates, Belle. Barn Cat. (*b)
- Cobb, Emerson. Worthwhile Science. (B/A)
- Cobb, Henry V. Confessions Of A Rolling Stone.
- Cochell, Shirley Holmes as told by Geo. Holmes Beine. Land Of The Coyote. (A)(*b)
- Cochrane, Colonal Ray. All The Way To Eagles.
- Coddington, E.C. Science Paths Grade 5.
- Cody, Colonel W.F. An Autobiography of Buffalo Bill.
- Cody, Colonel William F. Life and Adventures of “Buffalo Bill”.
- Cody, William F. The Life of Hon. William F. Cody Known As Buffalo Bill. Sold
- Cody, Winifred Sieh. Mouldy Oldies, Etc or The Crest of the Red Hand.
- Collier, Edmund. The Story of Buffalo Bill. SOLD
- Collins, Paul E. & L.L. Helwig. Trees of South Dakota.
- Commissioner of Immigration. 1890 Facts About South Dakota An Official Encyclopedia 1890.
- Conaway, V. Ralph. Ralph’s Ramblings. (poetry)
- Conley, Robert J. Adawosgi, Swimmer Wesley Snell: A Cherokee Memorial .
- Conn, Herb & Jan. The Jewel Cave Adventure Fifty Miles of Discovery Under SD.
- Connell, Evan S. Son of the Morning Star Custer & The Little Bighorn .
- Connolly, Joseph P. & Cleophas C. O’Harra. The Mineral Wealth Of The Black Hills. Sold
- Contemporary Sioux Painting. Booklet.
- Cook-Lynn, Elizabeth. The Power of Horses & Other Stories. (B)
- Cook-Lynn, Elizabeth. From the River’s Edge A Novel.
- Cook-Lynn, Elizabeth. Then Badger Said This.
- Cooke, John Byrne. The Snowblind Moon A Novel Of The West. (A/A)
- Coon, Martha Sutherland. Oahe Dam, Master Of The Missouri. SOLD
- Cooper, Page. Pat’s Harmony. (A/A)
- Cooper, Paul L. The Archeological & Paleontological Salvage Program In The Missouri Basin, 1950-1951. Sold
- Costain, George H. Meditations In Verse. (poetry)
- Coues, Elliot. The Lewis and Clark Journals. Fiftieth Anniversary Edition. Reprint from US Army Corps of Engineers.
- Coursey, O.W Beautiful Black Hills. (B/C)
- Coursey, O.W. A Complete Biographical Sketch of General William Henry Harrison Beadle. (B/B)
- Coursey, O.W. Dakota Literature. (B/E)
- Coursey, O.W. First White Woman In The Black Hills. (B)
- Coursey, O.W. History of Dakota Wesleyan University For Fifty Years 1885-1935.
- Coursey, O.W. Literature Of South Dakota. (E/F)
- Coursey, O.W. The Philippines & Filipinos. (/B)
- Coursey, O.W. Pioneering In Dakota. (B/D)
- Coursey, O.W. Shorts Vol. l. (/C)
- Coursey, O.W. Shorts Vol. II.
- Coursey, O.W. Shorts Vol. I & II.
- Coursey, O.W. That Lonely Jew. (/D)
- Coursey, O.W. Three Jewish Martyrs.
- Coursey, O.W. Who’s Who In South Dakota, Vol. I. (/F)
- Coursey, O.W. Who’s Who In South Dakota, Vol. II. (/C)
- Coursey, O.W. Who’s Who In South Dakota, Vol. III.
- Coursey, O.W. Who’s Who In South Dakota, Vol. IV. (/C)
- Coursey, O.W. Who’s Who In South Dakota, Vol. V. (A)
- Coursey, O.W. Winning Orations, Vol. I.
- Coursey, O.W. Winning Orations, Vol. II. (B)
- Coursey, O.W. Women With A Stone Heart Romance of the Philippine War. (/D)
- Cox, Mary Alice. Masterpieces of Noted Artists. (B)
- Cramer, Leslie Sloan. Dakota Daybreak
- Crary, Margaret. The Calico Ball. (B/A)
- Crook, A. Earl. Poems To Live By And Life After Sixty-Five. (poetry). (/C)
- Cropp, Richard. The Coyotes – History of SD National Guard. (B)
- Crosswait, Helen G. Moorhouse. The Taming of the Rose. Tragedy on the Rosebud. (/A)
- Crouch, Lora, compiled by. Hamlin Garland Dakota Homesteader. (C)
- Crouch, Mary Lloyd Wiseman. Poems By A Ranch Wife. (poetry) SOLD
- Crow Dog, Mary & Richard Erdoes. Lakota Woman.
- Croy, Homer. Corn Country. (B/D)
- Cullum, Ridgwell. The Watchers of the Plains Tale of the Western Prairies. Sold
- Cummings, Jean. Alias The Buffalo Doctor. (/A)
- Cummings, Jean. Why They Call Him The Buffalo Doctor. (B/B)
- Curley, Edwin A. Curley’s Guide to the Black Hills. (*g)
- Cushman, Dan. Stay Away, Joe (/B)
- Custer, Elizabeth B. Boots And Saddles or Life In Dakota With General Custer. (B/C)
- Custer, Gen. George Armstrong. My Life on the Plains. Sold
D# Author Title Note
- Dahl, A.E. Banker Dahl of South Dakota Autobiography. (B/A)
- Dahl, Borghild Margarethe. Glimpses Of Norway.
- Dahl, Borghild. I Wanted To See. (B/C)
- Dakota Indian Family, The. Pamphlet 1958.
- Dakota Constitutional Convention, Sioux Falls, SD, 1885. Vol. 1 Published 190.
- Dakota Constitutional Convention, Sioux Falls, SD, 1889. Vol. 2.
- Dakota Presbytery Council. The First 50 Years Dakota Presbytery to 1890 With Dakota Mission Past & Present A.D. 1886. SOLD
- Dakota Territory Centennial. KELO-Land Gold Rush Centennial Edition Aug. 26-27, 1961 Pamphlet. (/C)
- Dalthorp, Charles J. Pictorial Civics Series II.
- Dalthorp, Charles J. Pictorial Civics Series III. Sold
- Dalthorp, Charles J. , editor. South Dakota Governors.
- Dance With Wolves.
- Daniel, Chrys. Dawn To Dusk. (A)
- Danker, Donald F., editor. The Wounded Knee Interview Of Eli S. Ricker.
- Darton, Nelson Horatio. Preliminary Description of the Geology & Water Resources of the Southern Half & Adjoining Regions in SD & WY. SOLD
- Daschle, Senator Tom with Michael D’Orso. Like No Other Time. The 107th Congress & the Two Years that Changed America Forever. (B)
- Daum, Ann. The Prairie In Her Eyes.
- David, Gary Eye. Of The Heart (poem). (poetry)
- Deadwood Business Club. Deadwood of Today 1903. (reprint)
- Deal 2000 Reunion, The. Deal Family Reunion July 7-9, 2000.
- Dean, Robert J. Living Granite: The Story of Borglum & the Mt. Rushmore Memorial.
- Dean, Tony. Fishing The Missouri River System.
- Dedrick, Dave. It Ain’t All Cartoons Memoirs of the Captain. (B/C)
- Deibert, Ruth Franke. “Where You Gonna Put It?” (/A)
- Deland, Charles Edmund. Annotated Statutes & Rules of Trial Practices in SD & ND 1896.
- Deland, Charles Edmund. The Mis-Trials of Jesus. 1914. (/F)
- Deland, Charles Edmund. The Psychic Trio. 1919. (/A)
- Deland, Charles Edmund. Renewed From Without.
- Deland, Charles Edmund. Tragedy of the White Medicine. 1913. (/B)
- Delicate Dorothy. Let The Memories Begin History of the P.E.O. Sisterhood in SD 1905-1991.
- Deloria, Ella C. Dakota Texts. (*c)
- Deloria, Ella Cara. Waterlily. (/A)
- Deloria, Vine, Jr. Behind the Trail of Broken Treaties.
- Deloria, Vine, Jr. Custer Died For Your Sins. (/A)
- DeLoache, Betsey. Country Schools: Past and Present Volume 3. SOLD
- DeMallie, Raymond J., editor. The Sixth Grandfather. Black Elk’s Teachings Given to John G. Neihardt.
- Denig, Edwin Thompson. Five Indian Tribes of the Upper Missouri. (*a)
- Densmore, Frances. Teton Sioux Music.
- Derscheid, Lyle A. The Civilian Conservation Corps in SD 1933-1942. SOLD
- DeVoto, Bernard. Across the Wide Missouri. (C/B)
- DeVoto, Bernard. The Course Of Empire. (C/A)
- DeVoto, Bernard (edited by). The Journals of Lewis And Clark. Sold
- DeVoto, Bernard. The Year Of Decision 1846. (B/B)
- DeWall, Robb. Carving a Dream 50th Anniversary Commemorative Edition.
- DeWall, Robb. Crazy Horse Korczak Ziolkowski, Sculptor 40th Anniversary Commemorative Edition,
- DeWall, Robb. Crazy Horse and Korczak. (/B)
- Dexter, Pete. Deadwood A Novel. (B)
- Dick, Everett. Life In The West Before The Sod-House Frontier. (B)
- Dick, Everett. The Sod-House Frontier 1854-1890. Sold
- Dick, Everett. Tales of the Frontier From Lewis & Clark to the Last Roundup. Sold
- Dick, Everett. Vanuards of the Frontier.
- Dickerson, Florine. Me + 3.
- Diedrich, Mark. Sitting Bull The Collected Speeches. SOLD
- Dillon, Richard. Meriweather Lewis A Biography.
- Dimmette, Celia Puhr. Take Me Home Life on the Family Farm.
- Distad, Audree. Dakota Sons. (/B)
- Dodge, Col. Richard Irving. Our Wild Indians: Thirty-three Years Personal Experience Among The Red Men of the Great West.
- Donovan, Frank P., Jr. Mileposts On The Prairie Story of the Minneapolis & St. Louis Railway. SOLD
- Doubleday, Russell. Cattle Ranch To College The True Tale of a Boy’s Adventures in the Far West. (/A)
- Downey, Fairfax. Indian Wars of the US Army 1776-1865. Sold
- Downey, Fairfax & J.N. Jacobsen. The Red/Blue Coats The Indian Scouts. (A)(*a)
- Downing, J. Hyatt. The Harvest is Late. (B)
- Downing, J. Hyatt. Hope Of Living.
- Downing, J. Hyatt. Sioux City A Novel.
- Drager, Les Spider Guards The Betting Cockroach
- Drago, Harry Sinclair. Great American Cattle Trails. (*a)
- Drago, Harry Sinclair. Road Agents and Train Robbers. (*b)
- Drago, Harry Sinclair. The Steamboaters.
- Driggs, Howard R. Westward America.
- Dromey, Joe. If The Grass Be Green or Brown. (*a)
- Droz, Darlene. Be Filled with the Spirit. Words and Music.
- Dufran, Dora. Low Down on Calamity Jane.
- Duncan, Dayton & Ken Burns. Lewis & Clark. The Journey of the Corps of Discovery.
- Duncan, Kunigunde. Blue Star. Story of Corabelle Fellows Teacher at Dakota Missions 1884-1888. (/A)
- Duncan, Kunigunde & D.F. Nickols. Mentor Graham The Man Who Taught Lincoln.
- Dunkle, Amy with V.J. Smith. The College on the Hill A Sense of SDSU History. (B/A)
- Dupuy, Bob. Nothing To Fear Story of Seventh-Day Adventism in the Dakotas. Sold
- Durand, George Harrison. Joseph Ward Of Dakota. Sold
- Duratschek, Sister M. Claudia. Builders of God’s Kingdom History of the Catholic Church in SD. (B/A)
- Duratschek, Sister Mary Claudia. Crusading Along Sioux Trails A History of the Catholic Indian Missions of SD. SOLD
- Duratschek, Sister Mary Claudia. Under the Shadow of His Wings. (B/C)(*c)
- Duratschek, M. Claudia. Travelers On The Way of Peace.
- Dvorak, Joseph A., compiled by. Memorial Book History of The Czechs in the State Of South Dakota.
- Dye, Eva Emery. The Conquest. (/A)
- Dye, Eva Emery. McLoughlin And Old Oregon.
E# Author Title Note
- Eagle, D. , Chief. Winter Count.
- Eastman, Charles A. From the Deep Woods to Civilization Chapters in the Autobiography of An Indian. (A)
- Eastman, Charles Alexander. Indian Boyhood. (A)(*b)
- Eastman, Charles Alexander. Old Indian Days. (*a)
- Eastman, Charles Alexander Edited by Kent Nerburn. The Soul Of An Indian.
- Eastman, Charles Alexander. The Soul of the Indian An Interpretation. Sold
- Eastman, Charles Alexander The Soul of an Indian. (*b)
- Eastman, Elaine Goodale. Sister to the Sioux Memoirs of Elaine Goodale Eastman. SOLD
- Eastman, Mrs. Mary. Dahcotah Life & Legends Of The Sioux. SOLD
- Edgerton, Alice Durand. The Pioneer Durand Family. Sold
- Edlosi, Mario. Which Way The Wind Blows, Valley of Many Winds Part II.
- Edwards, Marian Berry. Looking Back From The Top of Cedar Butte, Memories of Homestead Days. (/B)
- Egan, C. John, Jr. Drop Him Till He Dies Twisted Tragedy of Immigrant Homesteader, Thomas Egan. (/F)
- Engebretson, Doug. Empty Saddle Forgotten Names. (*a)
- Ehanamani. Crazy Horse and the Real Reason for the Battle of the Little Big Horn.
- Ehrensperger, Edvard C., editor. History of the United Church of Christ In SD 1869-1976.
- Eickhoff, Daisy Shriver. Morals In Verse.
- Eikamp, Helen. The Church Year In Scripture & Verse.
- Eliason, Eric A. To See Them Run. Great Plains Coyote Coursing.
- Ellis, Averil Huck. Melodies in the Sunshine State. (poetry)
- Ellison, Charles Jewell. Poems for the Home and School. (poetry)
- Elston, Allan Vaughan. Treasure Coach From Deadwood.
- Elwood, Roger, compiled by Myron Floren and Friends. Scrapbook Believing- Intimate Glimpses From the Lawrence Welk TV Family
- Emmons, Earl H. Mavericks. (poetry)
- Engebretson, Doug. Empty Saddles, Forgotten Names.
- Engebretson, Elmer. The Weathered Shingle. (C)
- Ensenbach, R.F. Touching The Same Stone – Poems. (poetry)
- Erdoes, Richard. Native Americans: The Sioux. Sold
- Erdoes, Richard, editor, Lame Deer, Jenny Leading Cloud, Leonard Crow Dog & Others. The Sounds Of Flutes & Other Indian Legends. Sold
- Erickson, Karen & Leanne Kemnitz. Andrew Johnson Family.
- Erpestad, David & David Wood. Building South Dakota A Historical Survey of the State’s Architecture to 1945. (B)
- Errington, Paul L. The Red Gods Call. (*c)
- Eschenbaum, Roberta. Engelmann Family History. (Miller, SD)
- Esling, Dean Arthur. My Black Hills Story. Sold
- Etulain, Richard W. Western American Literature A Bibliography of Interpretive Books & Articles.
- Evans, David Allan. Train Windows. Sold
- Evans, David Allan, editor & writer. What The Tallgrass Says. SOLD
- Evans, Rod L. The Dividing Line That Doesn’t. (poetry) (/A)
- Evans, Rod L . An Errant Poets Corner. (poetry)
- Evarts, Hal G. Fur Brigade Story of the Trappers of the Early West. SOLD
- Ewing, Ardath. Long Road To Dakota. Sold
F# Author Title Note
- Faber, Doris. Calamity Jane. Her Life and Her Legend.
- Fanebust, Wayne. Tales of Dakota Territory.
- Farber, William O. & Thomas C. Geary, Loren M. Carlson. Government of South Dakota. Sold
- Fargo, Lucile F. The Library In The School. SOLD
- Fargo, Lucile F. Marian-Martha.
- Fargo, Lucile F. Prairie Chautauqua.
- Fargo, Lucile F. Spokane Story.
- Faris, John T. Seeing The Middle West. Sold
- Farmer, Carol P. A Potpourri of Poetry. (poetry)
- Farnsworth, C. Pemberton. Nurses Manual of Rational Therapeutics.
- Farrell, Cliff. The Mighty Land. (/A)
- Fatout, Paul. Meadow Lake Gold Town. (*a)
- Fast, Howard. The Last Frontier. SOLD
- Federal Engineer. Damsites to Missile Sites – A History of the Omaha District US Army Corps of Engineers.
- Fennema, Ted. Lookin’ Back. A little bull And horse sense With nonsense Some verse Some narration And a little bit Of Exaggeration. (B)
- Ferguson, Les W. The Wanderers He-Cena-O-Mani. SOLD
- Ferris, Emma M., compiled by. Cook Zucchini Over 100 Ways. (cook book) Sold
- Ferris, Robert G., editor. Prospector, Cowhand And Sodbuster.
- Fielder, Mildred. The Chinese in the Black Hills. (*c)
- Fielder, Mildred. Deadwood Dick.
- Fielder, Mildred. A Guide To Black Hills Ghost Mines. (/A)
- Fielder, Mildred. Hiking Trails in the Black Hills. (A)(*c)
- Fielder, Mildred. Lost Gold.
- Fielder, Mildred. Potato Creek Johnny. (*f)
- Fielder, Mildred. Poker Alice.
- Fielder, Mildred. Silver Is The Fortune.
- Fielder, Mildred. Sioux Indian Leader. New w/dj SOLD
- Fielder, Mildred. The Treasure of Homestake Gold. (B/A)
- Fielder, Mildred. Wild Fruits An Illustrated Field Guide & Cookbook.
- Fielder, Mildred. Wandering Foot in the West. (B)
- Fielder, Mildred. Wild Bill And Deadwood. (*e)
- Fiffer, Steve. Tyrannosaurus Sue. (B)
- Fiksdal, R. Alice. Nature Sings at Pickerel Lake. (poetry) (/A)
- Finerty, John F. War-Path and Bivouac or The Conquest of the Sioux. (*c)
- Finnigan, Mr. O. S. Red w/ Millard G. Scott. Mr. Finnigan
- Finola, George C. An Immigrants’ Son of La Sciavatu. (*c)
- Finola, George C. Gold & Early Days in the Black Hills.
- Fire, John (Lame Deer) and Richard Erdoes. Lame Deer Seeker of Visions. (*a)
- Firethunder, Billy. Mother Meadowlark & Brother Snake. (*a)
- Fischer, Esther. Hidden Treasures of Darkness. (poetry)
- Fischer, Henry, edited by Roger King. They Said It Couldn’t Be Done History of the Missouri Basin Municipal Power Agency. Sold
- Fish, Genevieve. Farm Folks & Fertilizer. Sold
- Fisher, D. Jerome. Preliminary Report on the Mineralogy of Some Pegmatites Near Custe. Sold
- Fisher, Richard. Judgment In July. (/A)
- Fisher, Vardis. Suicide or Murder? Strange Death of Gov. Meriweather Lewis. Sold
- Fite, Gilbert C. The Farmers’ Frontier 1865-1900. Sold
- Fite, Gilbert C. George N. Peek and the Fight for Farm Parity.
- Fite, Gilbert C. Mount Rushmore. (A)(*a)
- Fite, Gilbert Courtland. Peter Norbeck: Prairie Statesman. (B/A)
- Flandrau, Grace. A Glance at the Lewis & Clark Expedition.
- Flandrau, Grace. Historic Adventure Land of the Northwest.
- Flandrau, Grace. Red River Trails. (/A)
- Fleming, A.M. The Autobiography Of A Dakota Squatter & Other Stories. SOLD
- Flood, Renee S. & Shirley A. Bernie. Remember Your Relatives. Yankton Sioux Images 1851-1904. Sold
- Floren, Myron & Randee Floren. Accordion Man. (B)
- Florine, Mary Cox. Eight Summers At Bonnie Oaks. (/A)
- Foght, Harold Waldstein. The Rural Teacher And His Work.
- Foote, Don C. Copies of Calamity Jane’s Diary And Letters.
- Foss, Joe as told to Walter Simmons. Joe Foss Flying Marine. (/A)
- Foss, Joe with Donna Wild Foss. A Proud American. Autobiography of Joe Foss.
- Fox, Lawrence K. Fox’s Who’s Who Among South Dakotans Vol. 1. (B/C)
- Fox, Lawrence K. Fox’s Who’s Who Among South Dakotans Vol. II. (/B)
- Fox, Lawrence K. Fox’s Who’s Who Among South Dakotans Vol. I & II.
- Fox, Father Robert J. Until Death Do Us Part.
- Fradin, Dennis Brindell & Judith Bloom Fradin. From Sea To Shining Sea – South Dakota. SOLD
- Franzen, Marilyn D. Capitol Capsules. (/A)
- Fraser, Caroline. Prairie Fires The American Dreams of Laura Ingalls Wilder. SOLD
- Frazier, Ian Great Plains (B/A)
- Freeman, Ethel F. Masterpieces of Art.
- Freeman, Jerome & Charles M. Lewis. Easing The Edges. Dakota Poetry and Images.
- Freeman, Lewis R. Waterways Of Westward Wandering. (poetry)
- Froiland, Sven G. Natural History of the Black Hills. (*b)
- Front, John. South Dakota Farmscapes. The photography of John Front.
- Frost, Lawrence A. The Custer Album. (B/A)
- Fryxell, David A. Double-Parked on Main Street. Wit & Humor. (B/A)
- Fuhrman, Margaret Slack. Pickles, Preserves & Prairie Nights. (poetry)
- Fuller, Alice Cook. Gold For The Grahams. SOLD
G# Author Title Note
- Gale, Wm. D. & Kathryn S. Dunn. Miss Winnie Crouch A Heroine of the Faith.
- Gant, Robert D. Report of the Archeological Investigations at the Arp Site, 39BR101 Brule County, SD 1961. (/A)
- Gard, Wayne. The Great Buffalo Hunt. (B)
- Gardner, Charles Whiting. Bertram The Magnificent.
- Garland, Hamlin. A Son of the Middle Border. (pamphlet Trail Makers of the Middle Border (folder).
- Garland, Hamlin. Boy Life on the Prairie. SOLD
- Garland, Hamlin. The Captain Of The Gray-Horse Troop. (/A)
- Garland, Hamlin. Companions On The Trail. (/B)
- Garland, Hamlin. The Eagle’s Heart. Sold
- Garland, Hamlin. Her Mountain Lover. (/A)
- Garland, Hamlin. Hesper. (/B)
- Garland, Hamlin. The Long Trail. Sold
- Garland, Hamlin. Other Main Traveled Roads.
- Garland, Hamlin. Rose of Dutcher’s Coolly. (B)(*b)
- Garland, Hamlin. Son of the Middle Border. (/B)
- Garland, Hamlin. The Spirit Of Sweetwater.
- Garland, Hamlin. Trail-Makers Of The Middle Border. (/B)
- Garland, Hamlin. Ulysses S. Grant His Life & Character Sold
- Garst, Shannon. Sitting Bull Champion of His People. Sold
- Garst, Shannon. Wild Bill Hickok. Sold
- Gasque, Thomas J. editor. Silver Anniversary Anthology. Celebrating 25 Years of the SD Humanities Council.
- Gates, Allen E., Jr. & Robert J. Perry. Move Over, Mr. Bell. The History of J.L.W. Zietlow & The Dakota Central Telephone Co.
- Gates, Eleanor. The Biography Of A Prairie Girl. SOLD
- Gates, Eleanor. The Plow Woman.
- Geier, Bonnie. But I Never Said I’d Be A farmer!
- George, Edythe L. Archaeological Studies #1 Report of the Investigation of The Robinson Site, Hughes County, SD 1948.
- Gerber, Philip L., editor. Bachelor Bess – Homesteading Letters of Elizabeth Corey 1909-1919.
- German, George B., Music Archives, Compiled by. A Living Tradition SD Songwriters Songbook Vol. I.
- German, George B., R.F.D. 1 by George B. (/A)
- Gessner, Robert. Massacre A Survey of Today’s American Indian. Sold
- Gessner, Robert. Broken Arrow.
- Giago, Tim A. The Aboriginal Sin. Reflections on the Holy Rosary Indian Mission School (Red Cloud Indian School).
- Gilbert, Sara. Calamity Jane (Legends Of The West).
- Gildart, Bert & Jane. Hiking South Dakota’s Black Hill Country. (/A)
- Gildemeister, Jerry. An American Vignette.
- Gilfillan, Archer B. A Goat’s Eye View of the Black Hills. (C/B)
- Gilfillan, Archer B. Sheep. Life on the SD Range. Sold
- Gill, Gertrude. How to Teach Poetry.
- Gilman, George G. Black Vengeance. (Edge #10.
- Gilman, George G. Sioux Uprising. (Edge #11). (B)
- Gilmore, Melvin R. Prairie Smoke. Sold
- Gilmore, Melvin. Uses of Plants by the Indians of the Missouri River Region. Sold
- Gjevre, John A. Saga of the Soo West From Shoreham. (signed) SOLD
- Gjevre, John A. Three Generations West Saga of the Soo Vol. II. (signed)
- Glanzer, Florine Dickerson. Me + 3 (writings).
- Goertz, Reuben. Princes, Potentates, and Plain People. The Saga of the Germans from Russia. SOLD
- Goetz, Kenneth. Bending the Twig. SOLD
- Goplen, Arnold O The Career of Marquis de Mores in the Bad Lands of North Dakota.
- Gorsuch, Hattie Anything Worth Doing. The Story of Christopher, an Uncommon Man.
- Graber, Edwin C. And One Clear Call For Me. (poetry)
- Graber, Edwin. Evenglow. (poetry)
- Graber, Edwin C. Harvest of Yourth. (poetry)
- Graber, Edwin C. Selected Verse Vol. 1. (poetry)
- Graber, Edwin C. Selected Verse Vol. 2. (poetry)
- Graber, Edwin C. Selected Verse Vol. 3. (poetry)
- Graber, Edwin. Meditations Browned Selectively. (poetry)
- Graber, Kay, editor. Sister to the Sioux. Memoirs of Elaine Goodale Eastman.
- Grablander, Greg, Norwirck, Margorie & John Pudwell, Jr. , committee. Dakota Lines. A History of Service. Story of SD’s Telephone Co.
- Graham, Col. W.A. The Custer Myth. (C)
- Grange, Robert T. Fort Robinson Outpost On The Plain.
- Grant, H., Jr., Roger & Charles W. Bohi. The Country Railroad Station In America. SOLD
- Gray, John S. Centennial Campaign The Sioux War of 1876. Sold
- Gray, John S. with Joan Gray Hull. Custer’s Last Campaign.
- Gray, Robert N. Shades of Gray. (B/I)
- Greene, Jerome A. Evidence and the Custer Enigma. Sold
- Greenman, Frances Cranmer. Higher than the Sky. Who Discovered Art in SD. (/D)
- Grey, Zane. Betty Zane. Sold
- Grey, Zane. The Last of the Plainsmen.
- Grieren, Mrs. E.J. Mountain Charlie. (*b)
- Griffin, Del and Family. Rain In The Wilderness. (Poetry, Prose & Art)
- Griffith, T.D. South Dakota. Sold
- Griffith, Tom. Outlaw Tales of South Dakota. SOLD
- Grigsby, Melvin. The Smoked Yank.
- Grinnell, George Bird. By Cheyenne Campfires.
- Grinnell, George Bird. The Cheyenne Indians. Vol. 1 & 2. (*a)
- Grinnell, George Bird. Pawnee Hero Stories And Folk-Tales. SOLD
- Gross, Jo Vaughn. The Welcome Table. Reflections on the Banquet. Sold
- Guhin, Paula. The King of Corn. Cal Schultz: Having the Times of His Life.
- Gunther, John. Inside U.S.A.
- Gurney, E.R. of WNAX. Messages To Boys. (/B)
- Gurney Seed and Nursery Co. The WNAX Station Book Commemorating the 63rd Anniversary. (B)
- Gutzon Borglum The Artist And The Man. Exhibition Booklet.
H# Author Title Note
- Hafen, LeRoy R. & Francis Marion Young. Fort Laramie & the Pageant of the West, 1834-1890. Sold
- Hafnor, John. Black Hills Believibles. (B/A)
- Hague, Frank O. Memories of Bygone Days in Dakota Territory.
- Haines, Francis. The Plains Indians. Their Origins, Migrations & Cultural Development. (/A)
- Haley, Patrick. Wildflower and the Big Voice in the Sky.
- Hall, Bert L. Roundup Years. Old Muddy To Black Hills. (B&CH)
- Hall, George A. Far Flung & Free.
- Hall, George. Isolation Island. (/A)
- Hammer, Allen & Dana Kizzier, editors. The Rapid City Flood June 9, 1972. SOLD
- Hamilton, W.T. My Sixty Years on the Plains. (*b)
- Hammer, Kenneth M. The Springfield Carbine on the Western Frontier. (*a)
- Hannus, L. Adrien, editor. Archaeological Excavation At 39BK7 Oakwood Lakes Bank/Shoreline Protection Project: Area 1, Brookings County, SD.
- Hansen, James O. Creating the Future for South Dakota – The Mickelson Legacy 1987-1993. (B/A)
- Hansen, Leo S. Memories from 1910 to 1987. (/A)
- Hansmeir, Henry F. This Is My Life.
- Hanson and Anderson. Basketball Preview 1979-80, SD. (*b)
- Hanson, Joseph Mills. The Conquest of the Missouri. (A)
- Hanson, Joseph Mills. SD In The World War 1917-1919. (A/A)(*a)
- Hardman, Benedict E. Everybody Called Him Cedric. (/A)
- Hardie, R.E. History of Conservation In The Missouri Valley
- Harkness, Kenneth M. & Lyman M. Fort. Alcohol: Its Uses And Abuses.
- Harms, Mrs. George, Jr. Crandon In Its Golden Years.
- Harper, Frank B. Ft. Union & Its Neighbors on the Upper Missouri.
- Harris, Eleanor M.B. Big Joe A Biography.
- Harrison, Mick. “Good ‘Ol Girls” . (A)(*a)
- Hasselstrom, Linda. Dakota Bones. (poetry) Sold
- Hasselstrom, Linda. Going Over East. Reflections of a Woman Rancher.
- Hasselstrom, Linda. Land Circle. Writings Collected from the Land.
- Hasselstrom, Linda. Roadkill. (poetry) (B)
- Hasselstrom, Linda & Nancy Iverson. Horizons: The SD Writers’ Anthology. (poetry) Sold
- Hasselstrom, Linda. Roadside History if South Dakota. (B/B)
- Hasselstrom, Linda. Windbreak A Woman Rancher On The Northern Plains. (/A)
- Hassrick, Royal B. The George Catlin Book of American Indians. Sold
- Hassrick, Royal B. The Sioux. Life & Customs Of a Warrior Society. Sold
- Hasvold, Myrtle. The Trailer and I. Sold
- Hawley, Cameron. Cash McCall. (+)
- Hawley, Cameron. The Hurricane Years. (+)
- Hawley, Cameron. The Lincoln Lords. (+)
- Hayes, T.E. Memories South Dakota’s Depression Years. (/A)
- Hedren, Paul L. editor. The Great Sioux War 1876-77.
- Heinemann, Marie H. On Eagles' Wings (The Story of Pastor Toma Mbindigin, God's Choice Servant).
- Hellmann, Mrs. Walter, editor. SD Blizzard Strikes The Rosebud 1952 Winter of Disaster. (D/B)
- Helmer, La Vonne. Faith's Story. A Pioneer Romance.
- Henderson, James M. & Anne O. Knueger. National Growth and Economic Change in the Upper Midwest.
- Hensley, Frank. Day By Day – 75 Years of Living in SD. (poetry)
- Herman, Esther Dirks. As a Mennonite of Pioneer Ancestry.
- Herseth, Ralph, Governor. Inaugural Messages 36th Session 1959
- Henry, Will. The Gates Of The Mountains. Sold
- Heupel, Raedeen Labor of Love
- Hieb, David L. Fort Laramie. Sold
- Hill, Pamela Smith, editor. Laura Ingalls Wilder Pioneer Girl The Annotated Autobiography. SOLD
- Hill, Ruth Beebe. Hanta Yo. (*b)
- Hillman, Conrad N. & Warren W. Jackson. The Sharp-Tailed Grouse In South Dakota. SD Dept. of Game & Fish. (/A)
- Hines, Stephen W., editor. Laura Ingalls Wilder Little House In The Ozarks. (/A)
- Hirsch, Phil The Kennedy War Heroes. (/A)
- Hisel, Evelyn B. Mari Sandoz A Wild Flower.
- Historic Sites of South Dakota. (*b)
- History of the Sioux. Pamphlet from Huron College. (/C)
- Hitchman, Sue. North Of Pierre 1740-1984. (/D)
- Hoebel, E. Adamson. The Cheyennes Indians of the Great Plains.
- Hoeger, Agnes & Irma Taeuber Person. Ever Forward! The Story of Dad Hoeger. (/B)
- Hoffman, Onalee J. Poetry – My Gift to Friends. (poetry)
- Hoffman, Tom. Miscalculations of the Mad Horse. (/A)
- Hoffman, Vera. Country Melody. (A)(*c)
- Hogan, Patrick Edward, Lee A. Opheim, Scott H. Zieska. Atlas of South Dakota. (atlas of charts)
- Hogan, Edward Patrick. The Geography of South Dakota.
- Holand, Hjalmar Rued. Norwegians In America: The Last Migration.
- Holbrook, Stewart H. Wild Bill Hickok Tames The West. SOLD
- Holden, David J. Dakota Visions A County Approach. (*a)
- Holiday Magazine Book. American Panorama West of the Mississippi.
- Holmes, Charles E. Birds of the West. (B)
- Holt, O.H., compiled by. Dakota 1885. SOLD
- Homan, Lucille Whitley. Did You Ever! Facsimile edition.
- Homestake. Story A South Dakota Enterprise. (B/A)
- Homestake Mining Co. 1876-1976 Homestake Centennial. (/I)
- Homestake Mining Co. The Story Of Homestake. (/C)
- Homola, Priscilla. The Willow Whistle. (D/A)
- Hoover, Herbert T., editor. Planning For the So. Dak. Centennial: A Bibliography.
- Hoover, Herbert T., editor. The Sioux A Critical Bibliography. Sold
- Hoover, Herbert T. & Karen P. Zimmerman, compilers. The Sioux & Other Native American Cultures of the Dakota. An Annotated Bibliography. Sold
- Hoover, Herbert T. & Larry J. Zimmerman. South Dakota Leaders From Pierre Chouteau, Jr. To Oscar Howe.
- Hoover, Herbert T. The Yankton Sioux.
- Horan, James D. Desperate Women. (*a)
- Horan, James D. The Great West Pictorial History From Colorado To The Last Frontier. (*a)
- Hostetler, John A. Hutterite Society. (*a)
- Hough, Emerson The Magnificent Adventure.
- Hovland, Ruben. My Life On the Prairie.
- Howard, H.P. Cheyenne & Black Hills Stage Line. (/A)(*a)
- Howard, H.P. Crazy Horse (Tashunka Witko). (/A)(*c)
- Howard, H.P. Gutzon Borglum & The Shrine of Democracy. Sold
- Howard, H.P. Mystery of Sacajaewa. (*d)
- Howard, Harold P. Say, Were Those Old Fashioned Cars For Real? First Fifty Years of the Automobile 1893-194.
- Howard, H.P. Wounded Knee December 29, 1890 Battle or Massacre?
- Howard James H. & Robert D. Gant. Report Of The Archeological Salvage Investigations In The Gavin’s Point Reservoir Area.
- Howard, James H. The Warrior Who Killed Custer. The Personal Narrative of Chief Joseph White Bull. SOLD
- Howe, F.S. Deadwood Doctor.
- Howell, Edgar M. Harvey Dunn Painter of Pioneers.
- Hoy, Carl B. According To Hoy Memoirs of a University Coach.
- Hoyt, Edwin P. The Last Stand. A Novel about George Armstrong Custer and the Indians of the Plains.
- Hudson, Lois Phillips. Reapers of the Dust. A Prairie Chronicle. SOLD
- Hueston, Ethel. Calamity Jane of Deadwood Gulch. SOLD
- Hughes, Richard B. Pioneer Years in the Black Hills.
- Hull, Gordon. The Dakota Venture. (/C)
- Hull, Gordon. Venture To Oregon.
- Hull, Joan Gray. And In Conclusion…. (C)
- Hull, Joan Gray. And In Conclusion…. Vol. 2 (B/A)
- Hull, Joan Gray. And In Conclusion.... Vol. 3
- Hull, Joan Gray. Hull The Heavenly Pottery.
- Humphrey, Hubert H. The Cause Is Mankind. My Life and Politics. (/B)
- Humphrey, Hubert H. The Education of a Public Man.
- Hunhoff, Bernie. South Dakota Curiosities. (B/A)
- Hunhoff, Bernie, John Andrews & Roger Holtzman. South Dakota 125. A Pictorial History. (/B)
- Hunkins, Ralph V. & John Clark Lindsey South Dakota, Its Past, Present And Future (B/A)
- Hunt, N. Jane, editor. Brevet’s South Dakota Historical Markers.
- Hurt, Wesley R., Jr. Report of the Investigations of the Four Bear Site, 39DW2 – Dewey County, SD 1958-59. (/A)
- Hurt, Wesley R., Jr. Report of the Investigations of the Rosa Site 39P03 Potter County, SD 1957.
- Hurt, Wesley R., Jr. Report of the Investigations of the Swan Creek Site 39WW7, Walworth County, SD 1954-56. Sold
- Hurt, Wesley R., Jr. Report of the Investigation of the Thomas Riggs Site, 39HU1, Hughes County, South Dakota. (/F)
- Hurt, Wesley R., Jr. Report of the Investigation of the Scalp Creek Site 39GR1 and the Ellis Creek Site 39GR2 Gregory County, South Dakota. (/A)
- Hurt, Wesley R., Jr. Report of the Investigation of the Swanson Site 39Br16 Brule County South Dakota 1950. (/A)
- Hurt, Wesley R., Jr. Report of the Investigation of The Spotted Bear Site, 39HU26, And the Cottonwood Site, 39HU43 Hughes County, South Dakota. (/D)
- Hurt, Wesley R., Jr. & William E. Lass. Frontier Photographer.
- Hurt, Wesley R., Jr. & James H. Howard Two Newly-Recorded Dakota House Types.
- Huseboe, Arthur R. Big Sioux Pioneers.
- Huseboe, Arthur R. An Illustrated History of the Arts of South Dakota. (/A)
- Huseboe, Arthur R. & William Geyer editors. Where the West Begins. (*b)
- Hustead, Ted & Bill. The Ice Water Store, Wall Drug Coloring Book.
- Hutchinson, Duane. Exon Biography of a Governor.
- Hyde, William J. Dig or Die Brother Hyde. (/E)
I# Author Title Note
- Indian Arts & Craft Board. Contemporary Sioux Painting Exhibition.
- Inman, Henry, Colonel, compiler. Buffalo Jones Adventures on the Plains. (*b)
- Israel, Marion. Dakotas. (/A)
J# Author Title Note
- Jackson, Donald. Custer’s Gold. The US Cavalry Expedition of 1874.
- Jacob, Maryann Schoenfield, Doris Marie Storm, Gail Johnson Sudman. Reflections. Short Stories Essays and Poetry. (poetry)
- Jacobson, Clair. Whitestone Hill The Indians and the Battle.
- James, Eric. Tiny The South Dakota Easter Bunny.
- Janousek, Evanell Kugler. Original Miniature Sculptures & Poem Mood Commentary. (poetry)
- Jarman, Char. Maggie…. Woman Of Roberts County (A Novel).
- Jencks, Dorothy. Some Historic Homes Of Yankton, Dakota Territory. Sold
- Jennewein, J. Leonard. Black Hills Booktrails.
- Jennewein, J. Leonard. Calamity Jane Of The Western Trails. (C/A)
- Jennewein, J. Leonard & Jane Boorman. Dakota Panorama. (B/A)
- Jennewein, Leonard. 30 Years of Square Dancing In South Dakota 1950-1980.
- Jenney, Adeline M. Poems for Special Occasions. (poetry)
- Jenney, Adeline. Prairie Poets I. (poetry)
- Jenney, Adeline. Prairie Poets II. (poetry) (/H)(*a)
- Jenney, Adeline. Prairie Poets III. (poetry) (/A)(*a)
- Jennings, Clayton. Blessings. (A/A)
- Jennings, Clayton. Handshake: Code of the West. Autobiography. Signed. (B/E)
- Jennings, Clayton. Mystery of Handshake: The Rest Of My Story. (A/B)
- Jennings, Dana Close. Cattle On A Thousand Hills. (B/B)(*a)
- Jennings, Dana Close. Days Of Steam And Glory. (/E)(*b)
- Jennings, Dana Close. Farm Steam Shows USA & Canada.
- Jennings, Dana Close. Free Ice Water! The Story of Wall Drug. (/F)(*d)
- Jennings, Dana Close Slick Trick. Black Hills Gold Story.
- Jennings, Dana Close Revised by Barbara Howard. The Story Of Wall Drug.
- Jennings, Dana Close Where The Buffalo Roam Again.
- Jensen, Bill, George Kiner & Charles Woodard. Tall Tales But True. South Dakota Sports Stories.
- Jensen, Delwin. Fort Pierre-Deadwood Trail. Route To The Gold Fields Of The Black Hills.
- Johnson, David G. The Road Once Traveled (and other Prairie Parables.
- Johnson, Dorothy M. Buffalo Woman.
- Johnson, Harold. Fond Memories Of Infinite Variety. (poetry)
- Johnson, James R. & James T. Nichols. Plants of South Dakota Grasslands. A Photographic Study. (/B)
- Johnson, Norma. Chilson's History of Fort Sisseton.
- Johnson, Willis E. & Frank R. Ranson. Community Civics. (/A)
- Johnson, Willis E. South Dakota A Republic Of Friends.
- Johnson, Willis E. The State And Nation. (B/+)
- Johnston, Cameron. The Rock of Justice (A Fun-Filled Telling of Tales From a Country Court).
- Johnston, H.V. The Last Roundup. (A/A)
- Johnston, Harry V. My Home On The Range. Frontier Ranching In The Badlands. (/B)
- Johnston, Terry C. Seize The Sky. Sons Of The Plains Vol. 2.
- Jones, Douglas C. Arrest Sitting Bull, A Novel
- Jones, Donald G. Naturally Recycled For Pioneer Power On The Prairie.
- Jones, Douglas C. A Creek Called Wounded Knee. A Novel.
- Jones, Matilda Lum. “Tillie” (poetry)
- Jones, Mildred McEwen. Better Face The Wind & Other Poems. (poetry)
- Jones, Robert Huhn. The Civil War In The Northwest, Nebr. , Wisc. , Iowa, Minn. , Dakotas. Sold
- Jorgensen, Gladys W. Before Homesteads In Tripp County & The Rosebud.
- Jorgenson, Lloyd. Thoughts While Thinking. (/C)
- Josephy, Jr., Alvin M. Black Hills, White Sky. (B)
- Josephy, Alvin M. , Jr. The Patriot Chiefs. Chronicle of American Indian Resistance.
- Jungemann, Glendae Thompson. Dakota Teacher. SOLD
K# Author Title Note
- Kammen, Robert, Joe Marshall & Frederick Lefthand. Soldiers Falling Into Camp. The Battle at the Rosebud and the Little Bighorn.
- Kantor, MacKinlay. Spirit Lake.
- Karol, Joseph S. & Stephen L. Rozman, editors. Everyday Lakota An English-Sioux Dictionary For Beginners.
- Karolevitz, Bob. Tears In My Horse-Radish. Collection of Columns. (/B)
- Karolevitz, Bob & Bernie Hunhoff. Uniquely South Dakota. (B/B)
- Karolevitz, Robert F. Bishop Martin Marty: “The Black Robe Lean Chief”. (/C)
- Karolevitz, Robert F. A Century Of Love. The First 100 Years of the Children’s Home Society of South Dakota 1893-1993. Sold
- Karolevitz, Robert F. Challenge. The South Dakota Story. (B/F)(*a)
- Karolevitz, Robert F. Doctors of the Old West .
- Karolevitz, Robert F. “EG” Inventor By Necessity. (/A)
- Karolevitz, Robert F. Everything’s Green But My Thumb! (/I)(*e)
- Karolevitz, Robert F. Old Time Agriculture In The Ads . (/B)(*b)
- Karolevitz, Robert F. Old-Time Autos In The Ads. (*a)
- Karolevitz, Robert F. The Prairie Is My Garden. Story of Harvey Dunn, Artist. (/C)(*a)
- Karolevitz, Robert F. The Story Of Harvey Dunn, Artist Where Your Heart Is. (B/B)
- Karolevitz, Robert F. Pioneer Church in a Pioneer City. (B)(*c)
- Karolevitz, Robert F. This Was Pioneer Motoring. (*a)
- Karolevitz, Robert F. Where Your Heart Is. (*b)
- Karolevitz, Robert F. With Faith, Hope and Tenacity. The First One Hundred Years of the Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls 1889-1989. (B/C)
- Karolevitz, Robert F. With A Shirt Tail Full Of Type. Story of Newspapering in South Dakota. (/A)
- Karolevitz, Robert F. & Ross S. Fenn. Flight of Eagles. (*c)
- Karolevitz, Robert F. & Ross S. Fenn. 17x20 Print by James B. Deneen from Flight Of Eagles book.
- Karst, Maurice “Morrie”. Morrie’s Stories. (many stories from Miller, SD). (/A)
- Katz, Susan. The Lawrence Welk Scrapbook.
- Katz, William Loren. Black People Who Made The Old West. Sold
- Katz, William Loren, editor. The Life And Adventures Of Nat Love.
- Kaufman, Fred S. Custer Passed Our Way. (B/A)(*b)
- Kaufman, Fred S. Dem Trails, Dakota Territory Centennial Story. (*d)
- Kaufman, Fred. Homesteading A Historical Novel Sold
- Kaufman, Fred. Hunters of the Plains 1870’s. A Historical Novel. (/A)(*d)
- Keck, Mel. “From Dakota to Kansas” (family history).
- Kehoe, Alice Beck. The Ghost Dance. Ethnohistory & Revitalization.
- Kellar, Kenneth C. & Phyllis H. Lines Of Time. Indian Artist in Stone. (A)(*b)
- Kellar, Kenneth C. Chambers Kellar. Distinguished Gentleman, Great Lawyer, Fiery Rebal.
- Kellar, Kenneth C. Growler’s Gulch. SOLD
- Kellar, Kenneth C. Seth Bullock Frontier Marshal.
- Kelley, Alexander & Pierre Bovis, Editor & Compiler. Pine Ridge 1890. Eye Witness Account of Events Surrounding Fighting at Wounded Knee. Limited to 2000 copies.
- Kelley, James F., compiler. News Printing Co’s Revised Township Manual For the State of South Dakota 1912. Sold
- Kelly, Fanny, edited by Clark & Mary Lee Spence. Narrative Of My Captivity Among The Sioux Indians.
- Kelly, Mary Elizabeth. The Adventures of an Exchange Teacher. Signed.
- Kelsey, D.M. Our Pioneer Heroes and Their Deeds. The Lives & Famous Explpoits of ....
- Kenny, Maurice. North Poems of Home. (poetry)
- Kilian, Tom. Tales of Old Dakota.
- King, Captain Charles. Campaigning With Crook. (*a)
- King, Captain Charles. Colonel’s Daughter, The. SOLD
- King, Captain Charles. Starlight Ranch.
- King, Captain Charles. Warrior Gap. Story of the Sioux Outbreak of ’68. SOLD
- King, Irma E. Gwenny’s Bubble Bath.
- King, Irma Bliss. Prairie Winds. (poetry)
- King, Irma Bliss. Prairie Sunset. (poetry)
- King-Salmon, Frances W. House of a Thousand Babies. (*d)
- Kingsbury, George W. History Of Dakota Territory Vol. V only. Sold
- Kingsbury, George W. History Of Dakota Territory Vol. I-V 1915. Sold
- Kinsley, D.A. Favor The Bold Custer The Civil War Years 1915. (*a)
- Kinyon, Jeannette & Jean Walz. The Incredible Gladys Pyle.
- Kinyon, Jeannette. Over Home.
- Kinyon, Jeannette with Lois Johnson, Margaret Voels & Harry E. Voels Prairie Architect. (B/K)
- Klippenstein, Rachel Carr. A Path of Colored Leaves.
- Klock, Irma H. Black Hills Ladies: The Frail and the Fair. Sold
- Klock, Irma. The Central Black Hills. Camps & Mines in the Heart of the Hills. (/D)
- Klock, Irma. The Gold Camps In Upper Deadwood Gulch.
- Klock, Irma. Here Comes Calamity Jane.
- Klock, Irma H. Yesterday’s Gold Camps and Mines in the Northern Black Hills.
- Knight, Gladys Bowman. A Biographical Sketch of Earl Wayland Bowman “The Ramblin Kid”. SOLD
- Knittel, Marjorie. The Last Bridge as told to Elvera Ziebart Reuer. Signed. (C)
- Kolbe, Robert with Brian Bade. They Captured the Moment. Dakota Photographers 1853-1920. SOLD
- Kohl, Edith Eudora. Land Of The Burnt Thigh.
- Kolash, Lenna. Child Of The South Dakota Frontier.
- Kramer, J. Howard. South Dakota State University A History 1884 To 1975. (/A)
- Kratz, Marilyn. Whose Garden? (*c)
- Krause, Herbert. Neighbor Boy. (poetry)
- Krause, Herbert. Boxed 3 vol. set including The Thresher, The Oxcart Trail & Wind Without Rain.
- Krause, Herbert. The Thresher. (B)
- Krause, Herbert. Wind Without Rain
- Krause, Herbert & Gary D. Olson. Prelude To Glory. A Newspaper accounting of Custer’s 1874 Expedition to the Black Hills. (B)(*e)
- Kraushaar, R.W. & A.J. Lang. The People Rule. Government & Citizenship In So. Dak. (/B)
- Kuehl, Max. The Indians In 20th Century South Dakota
- Kuhlman, Charles. The Frank Finkel Story. Limited signed ed.
L# Author Title Note
- LaFlesche, Francis. The Middle Five. Indian Boys At School.
- Lake, Stuart N. Wyatt Earp Frontier Marshall. SOLD
- Lamar, Howard Roberts. Dakota Territory 1861-1889. SOLD
- Lame Deer, John (Fire) & Richard Erdoes. Lame Deer Seeker Of Visions. The Life of a Sioux Medicine Man.
- Lane, Rose Wilder. The Discovery Of Freedom. SOLD
- Lane, Rose Wilder. Free Land. (B)
- Lane, Rose Wilder. Home Over Saturday. (*a)
- Lane, Rose Wilder. Let The Hurricane Roar. (B)
- Lane, Rose Wilder. Let The Hurricane Roar. (large print).
- Lane, Rose Wilder. Old Home Town. SOLD
- Lane, Rose Wilder. Young Pioneers (orig. title: Let the Hurricane Roar). (*b)
- Lane, Rose Wilder & Roger Lea McBride. Rose Wilder Lane Her Story.
- Lang, Verla M. Veal, editor. The Veals Of Chance, South Dakota 1900-2000.
- LaPointe, James. Legends of the Lakota. SOLD
- Larson, A. Ruth. My Life on the South Dakota Prairies and Elsewhere! SOLD
- Larson, Gladys Dorsey. A Christmas Collection. (poetry) (B/A)
- Larson, Gladys Dorsey. Dakota Diary. (poetry)
- Larson, Gladys Dorsey. Sand and Sea. (poetry)
- Larson, Nubby. Descendants Of Peter & Nettie Larson. (family history, illustrated).
- Laskin, David. The Children's Blizzard. (B)
- Latza, Greg. Blue Stars - A Selection of Stories From South Dakota's World War II Veterans. (/A)
- Latza, Greg. Back on the Farm. Celebrating SD Farm and Ranch Families. (B)
- Latza, Greg & Kevin Woster. The Missouri. South Dakota’s River Legend. (/A)
- Latza, Jodi Holley. South Dakota An Alphabetical Scrapbook.
- Laubersheimer, Sue, editor. South Dakota Changing, Changeless 1889-1989. A Selected Annotated Bibliography.
- Laubersheimer, Sue, editor. South Dakota Changing, Changeless 1889-1989. A Selected Annotated Bibliography Supplement.
- Laubersheimer, Sue, editor. South Dakota Changing, Changeless 1889-1989. Subject Index to A Selected Annotated Bibliography. SOLD
- Lauck, Jon K. Daschle vs Thune. Anatomy of A High-Plains Senate Race.
- Lawson, Michael L. Dammed Indians Revisited. The Continuing History of the Pick-Sloan Plan & the Missouri River Sioux.
- Laymon, Oliver E. Survey Of The Constitution And By-Laws Of The Oglala Sioux Tribe. (/B)
- Lazarus, Edward. Black Hills White Justice. The Sioux Nation Versus The US 1775 to the Present.
- Leacock, J.C. photography. South Dakota Simply Beautiful. Sold
- Leckie, Shirley A. Elizabeth Bacon Custer And the Making of a Myth.
- Lee, Bob. Fort Meade The Peace Keeper Post on the Dakota Frontier 1878-1944. Sold
- Lee, Bob & Dick Williams. Last Grass Frontier. The South Dakota Stock Growers Heritage. (B/E)
- Lee, Gerald R. , editor. The Tales And Notes Of Henry E. Lee.
- Lee, L.P. History of the Spirit Lake Massacre. (*b)
- Lee, Ruby. No Walls To My Garden. (poetry)
- Lee, Ruby. Tender Loving Care of House Plants in the Black Hills.
- Leedy, Carl. Black Hills Pioneer Stories. (A)(*d)
- Leighton, Eda. Original Poems. (poetry) (/A)
- Lenski, Lois. Prairie School.
- Lentz, Lillian. The Alluring Horizon. (C/B)(*cd)
- Leonard, Elizabeth Jane & Julia Cody Goodman. Buffalo Bill King Of The Old West. Biography of William F. Cody.
- Leonard, Elizabeth Jane. The Call of the Western Prairie. Sold
- Lepthien, Emilie. America The Beautiful – South Dakota. (/A)
- Letellier, Esther L. The Man Who Works Is The Man Who Wins. (/A)
- Lewis & Clark. A Historical and Scenic Journey with the Corps of Discovery.
- Lewis, Chad & Terry Fisk. The South Dakota Road Guide To Haunted Locations.
- Lewis, Dale Duhamel. From Ox Cart To Television.
- Lewis, Dale. Roy Houck Buffalo Man. (C)
- Lewis, Elizabeth Burton. More Laughter And Tears And Other Bits and Pieces.
- Lewis, Elizabeth Burton. Two Epics From The Plains. (poetry)
- Lewis, Emily H. Wo’wakita, Reservation Memories. (*b)
- Lewis, Emily H. Wo’Wakita Reservation Recollections. A People’s History of the Allen Issue Station District on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation of SD. Sold
- Lewis, Faye. Nothing To Make a Shadow. (B/K) (*b)
- Lichty, Irene E. The Ingalls Family from Plum Creek to Walnut Groove via Burr Oak, Iowa. Sold
- Life Stories by Students in South Dakota from Interviews of Older Dakotans. (*a)
- Lillehaug, Leland A. & Laurie L. Anderson. Music For The People. The Sioux Falls, SD Municipal Band 1919-1994.
- Lillibridge, G.D. The Innocent Years. Growing Up in a Small Town in the 1920s and 1930s.
- Lillibridge, Will. Ben Blair The Story Of A Plainsman. (B)
- Lillibridge, Will. A Breath of Prairie and Other Stories. Sold
- Lillibridge, Will. The Dissolving Circle. Sold
- Lillibridge, Will. The Dominate Dollar. (/A)
- Lillibridge, Will. The Quest Eternal. Sold
- Lillibridge, Will. Where The Trail Divides. (B/A)
- Lind, Hollis W. Me My Horns and a Million Miles.
- Lindberg, J.C. & Gertrude B. Gunderson, compilers. An Anthology of South Dakota Poetry Vol. II. (poetry)(B)
- Lindberg, J.C. The Dust That Was I. (forward by Badger Clark) (poetry)
- Lindberg, J.C. Pine Cones and Prairie Grass. (poetry)
- Lindberg, J.C. Wenona and Other Poems. (poetry)
- Linde, Martha. Rushmore’s Golden Valleys. (A)(*b)
- Linde, Martha. Sawmills of the Black Hills.
- Link, Mike (text) & Craig Blacklock (photographer). Black Hills Badlands. The Web of the West. (/A)(*a)
- Livermore, Bud. A Legend In Its Own Time.
- Livesay, Marguerite Bauhs. Prairie Memories From the Bauhs House. Signed.
- Lohan, Bill. Quackers A Compact Saga. Signed.
- Longstreet, Stephen. War Cries On Horseback. The Story of the Indian Wars of the Great Plains
- Louis, Adrian C. Skins.
- Lounsbury, Keith. Beaver Fever.
- Lous, Anne B. An Immigrant Speaks.
- Lovo, Neller S. Meditations On The Song Of Songs. (poetry)
- Lowe, Barrett. Heroes and Hero Tales of South Dakota. (/D)
- Lowe, Barrett. Twenty Million Acres. (/D)
- Lowie, Robert H. Indians of the Plains. Sold
- Ludgate, Thomas B. & Janice Ludgate Kitzler, compiled & edited by. The Prairie Practitioners 20th Century SD Veterinarians.
- Lundon, Ace. The Closets Are Empty The Dining Room’s Full. An Autobiographical Legacy. (B)
- Lundstrom, Connie. My Home, The Highway. (/B)
- Lusk, Daniel. Homemade Poems. (poetry). (/*a)
- Lusk, Daniel. O Rosie. (*a)
M# Author Title Note
- McAllister, Laura Kirley. Gumbo Trails.
- MacBride, Roger Lea. In The Land of the Big Red Apple. Sold
- MacBride, Roger Lea. West From Home. Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder.
- McCall, Edith. Pioneering on the Plains. Frontiers of America. (A)
- McCallum, Henry D. & Frances T. The Wire That Fenced The West. (A)(*a)
- McCarter, Margaret Hill. Vanguards of the Plains.
- McCaslin, Rev. D.S. Flora Of Beadle County 1886.
- McCracken, Harold. George Catlin and the Old Frontier. Sold
- McDaniels, M. Alberta. Doris Marjorie and Her Tales of Fairy Land. (*a)
- McFarling, Lloyd, editor. Exploring The Northern Plains 1804-1876.
- McGovern, Ann. If You Lived With The Sioux Indians.
- McGovern, Eleanor. Uphill A Personal Story. (B/F)(*a)
- McGovern, George. An American Journey - The Presidential Campaign Speeches of George McGovern. (/A)
- McGovern, George. Grassroots The Autobiography of George McGovern.
- McGovern, George. Terry. My Daughter’s Life-And-Death Struggle With Alcoholism.
- McGregor, James H. The Wounded Knee Massacre. (A)(*a)
- McHugh, Tom. The Time of The Buffalo. Sold
- McKeown, Martha Ferguson. Them Was The Days.
- MacLaine, Shirley, editor. McGovern The Man and His Beliefs. Sold
- McLaird, James. Calamity Jane The Woman and the Legend.
- McLaird, James D. Wild Bill Hickok & Calamity Jane. SOLD
- MacKay, Eldredge L …. The South Forty.
- McKay, G.L. & C. Larsen. Principles & Practice Of Butter-Making. 1908.
- McKown, Gretchen & Florence Stebbins Gleeson. All The Days Were Antonia’s.
- McMurtry, Larry. The Colonel And Little Missie. Buffalo Bill, Annie Oakley and The Beginnings of Superstardom in America.
- McNamara, Margaret. Discover The Lakota.
- McNeely, Marian Hurd. The Jumping Off Place. (B/A)
- McNichols, Charles L. Crazy Weather. (/C?)
- Madison, Cheri C., editor. Black Hills The Story Behind the Scenery.
- Mails, Thomas E. Fools Crow. (*b)
- Mails, Thomas E. The Mystic Warriors Of The Plains. (B)
- Mails, Thomas E. Plains Indians
- Mails, Thomas E. Sundancing At Rosebud and Pine Ridge. (*b)
- Malmin, O.G. Chapel in the Hills. (/A)
- Mandat-Grancey, Baron E. Buffalo Gap A French Ranch in Dakota, 188. (*h)
- Mandat-Grancey, Baron de. Cowboys and Colonels. Narrative of a Journey Across the Prairie & Over the Black Hills of Dakota.
- Manfred, Frederick. The Chokecherry Tree. (*a)
- Manfred, Frederick. Conquering Horse. Sold
- Manfred, Frederick. Duke’s Mixture.
- Manfred, Frederick. Eden Prairie.
- Manfred, Frederick. The Golden Bow. (*a)
- Manfred, Frederick. Lord Grizzly. (A)(*a)
- Manfred, Frederick. Manly-hearted Woman. (*a)
- Manfred, Frederick. Morning Red.
- Manfred, Frederick. Of Lizards And Angels. “A Saga of Siouxland. (/A)
- Manfred, Frederick. Prime Fathers. (*a)
- Manfred, Frederick. Riders of Judgment.
- Manfred, Frederick. Scarlet Plume.
- Manfred, Frederick. Sons Of Adams.
- Manfred, Frederick. The Wind Blows Free. (/A)(*f)
- Manfred, Freya. A Golden Rod Will Grow. (poetry)
- Manfred, Freya. Flesh and Blood. (poetry)
- Marken, Jack W.& Herbert T. Hoover. Bibliography Of The Sioux.
- Marquis, Thomas B. Keep The Last Bullet For Yourself. True Story of Custer’s Last Stand. Sold
- Marquis, Thomas B. Wooden Leg, A Warrior Who Fought Custer. (*c)
- Marshall III, Joseph M. The Journey of Crazy Horse. A Lakota History.
- Marshall, S.L.A. Crimsoned Prairie. The Indian Wars on the Great Plains. (A)(*a)
- Marie, Lisa. A Year Full of Grace. (B/A)
- Martin, Cy. The Saga of the Buffalo.
- Martley, Ed. War Kids. The Littlest Generation. South Dakotans share childhood memories of World War II.
- Mathews, John Joseph. Wah’Kon-Tah. SOLD
- Matthiessen, Peter. In The Spirit Of Crazy Horse. (B/A)
- Matthiessen, Peter. Indian Country.
- Mattison, Ray H. & Robert A. Grom. History Of Badlands National Monument & The White River (Big) Badlands of S.
- Mattison, Ray H. Roosevelt and the Stockman’s Association.
- May, Barbara. Unspoken Passion (poetry)
- Mazzulla, Fred & Jo. Outlaw Album. Signed
- Meadowcroft, Enid Lamonte. The Story Of Crazy Horse.
- Meistrik, Emma. The Conservation of Wild Life. Young Citizens League. (/B)
- Meistrik, Emma, compiled by. The Voice of the Young Citizens League. (/B)
- Meleen, E.E. A Report On An Investigation Of The La Roche Site, Stanley County, SD. (/A)
- Members of the Potomac Corral of the Westerners. Great Western Indian Fights. Sold
- Memorial Addresses on the Life & Character of James H. Kyle 1902.
- Memorial Addresses on the Life & Character of Cushman Kellogg Davis Jan. 2,1901.
- Memorial Service: Harlan John Bushfield .
- Memorial, South Dakota Officials: Archibald K. Gardner 1868-1962.
- Memorial, South Dakota Officials: Karl E. Mundt, Senator 1974.
- Memories, South Dakota’s Depression Years. (*a)
- Merrill, Horace Samuel. Bourbon Democracy of the Middle West, 1865-1896. (*a)
- Metter, LaVonne Hein. The Brown Grass of Dakota. Sold
- Meyer, Roy W. History of the Santee Sioux. Sold
- Meyer, Roy W. The Village Indians of the Upper Missouri. The Mandans, Hidatsas & Arikaras. Sold
- Meyers, Robert C.V. Theodore Roosevelt. Patriot and Statesman. SOLD
- Micheaux, Oscar. The Conquest. 1913.
- Micheaux, Oscar. The Homesteader A Novel.
- Miller, Carl F. Archeological Investigations at the Hosterman Site, Oahe Reservoir Area, Potter County, SD 1956. Sold
- Miller, Carl F. The Excavation & Investigation of Fort Lookout Trading Post II in the Fort Randall Reservoir, SD. Sold
- Miller, David & Nancy Veglahn. The South Dakota Story. (A/B)
- Miller, David Humphreys. Custer’s Fall. The Indian Side of the Story.
- Miller, E.W. "Roy". Thoughts In Rhyme Vol. II. (poetry) (/A)
- Miller, John E. South Dakota State University A Pictorial History 1881-2006.
- Miller, John E. Looking For History On Highway 14. (C)
- Miller, Lauritz. A Beautiful Adventure.
- Miller, Lois. When The Shadow Falls.
- Milligan, Edward A. Dakota Twilight. The Standing Rock Sioux, 1874-1890. (A)(*a)
- Mills, Anson. My Story.
- Mills, John E. Historic Sites Archeology in the Fort Randall Reservoir South Dakota. Sold
- Milton, John R. The Literature Of South Dakota. (A)(*b)
- Milton, John R. South Dakota Bicentennial History. (/C)
- Misar, Lillian. A Murder Brings The Most Unlikely People Together.
- Mitchum, Hank. Deadwood Stagecoach.
- Moldren, Gladys. Senior Citizen Interviews. Wessington Springs, SD.
- Monaghan, Jay. Custer The Life of Gen. George Armstrong Custer.
- Monaghan, Jay. The Great Rascal. The Exploits of the Amazing Ned Buntline.
- Mooney, James. The Ghost Dance Religion And Wounded Knee. Sold
- Morenus, Richard. Alaska Sourdough. The Story of Slim Williams. (B)
- Morenus, Richard. Crazy-White-Man (Sha-ga-na-she Wa-du-kee). (A/A)
- Morenus, Richard. Dew Line. Distant Early Warning The Miracle of America’s First Line of Defense. (/A)
- Morenus, Richard. Northland Adventure.
- Morganti, Helen F. “The Badger Clark Story”. (/A)
- Morris, Charles. The Marvelous Career Of Theodore Roosevelt. SOLD
- Moser, Leslie W. Highlights of South Dakota History. (/B)
- Moses, George. Those Good Old Days In The Black Hills. (/A)
- Moses, Lloyd R. General. Whatever It Takes. Autobiography.
- Mosiman, Daisy Searls. Minnie Pearl Martin, M.D.
- Mount Rushmore National Memorial. 1776 American Revolution Bicentennial Edition 1976. SOLD
- Mowry, Father Raymond G. An Autobiography of Father Raymond G. Mowry With His Poems & His Writings.
- Mulcrone, Margaret. Footprints Across Dakota. (B)
- Mulder, Rodney J. & John H. Timmerman. Frederick Manfred: A Bibliography & Publishing History. (/A)
- Muller, Dan. My Life With Buffalo Bill. SOLD
- Mundfrom, Rev. Gerald F. Purged.
- Munson, Larry. Prairie Images. (poetry) (B)
- Munsterman, Scott. A Vision for South Dakota. (B)
- Murphy, John Linn. American Legion In South Dakota. First Quarter Century.
- Murray, Robert A. Army on The Powder River, A. (A)(*b)
- Myers, J. Jay. Red Chief’s and White Challengers. Sold
- Myers, John Myers. The Deaths of the Braves. (B/C)
- Myers, John Myers. Doc Holliday. (*a)
N# Author Title Note
- Nadeau, Remi. Fort Laramie and the Sioux Indians. SOLD
- National Geographic. National Geographic on Indians Of The Americas. (A)
- Naumann, Rev. Fred. Take Off With Christ! Sold
- Neihardt, John G. Black Elk Speaks. Life Story Of A Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux. (A/B)
- Neihardt, John G. A Cycle of the West.
- Neihardt, John G. The River and I. (*a)
- Neihardt, John G. The Song Of The Indian Wars.
- Neihardt, John G. The Song Of Hugh Glass. Sold
- Neihardt, John G. The Song of Three Friends & The Song of Hugh Glass. Sold
- Neihardt, John G. When The Tree Flowered. An Authentic Tale of the Old Sioux World.
- Nelson, Bruce Land of the Dacotahs. (B/C)
- Nelson, Dick J. 1876 Crow Scout Curley’s Message To General Terry of the Battle Custer Was Fighting.
- Nelson, Lawrence Emerson. The Purple Feather And Other Verses. (poetry)
- Nelson, Larry. The Hills Aren’t Black. SOLD
- Nelson, Larry. Soft Voices. SOLD
- Nelson, Paula M. editor. Sunshine Always. The Courtship Letters of Alice Bower & Joseph Gossage of Dakota Territory.
- Nelson, Phyllis & Barbara Jessen, editors. Around the Dining Room Table with the Whitewood Rough Writers. SOLD
- Nerburn, Kent. Neither Wolf Nor Dog. (B)
- Neuharth, Allen H. with Ken Paulson & Phil Pruitt. Profiles Of Power. How The Governors Run Our 50 States.
- Neumann, Robert M. & David W. Willis. Guide To The Common Fishes of South Dakota. SD Dept. Of Game & Fish. (/C)
- Neuman, Robert W. The Good Soldier Site Big Bend Reservoir, Lyman County South Dakota. Sold
- Newell, Cicero. Indian Stories. SOLD
- Newhouse, S. The Trapper’s Guide. Sold
- Newport, Carl A. Forest Service Policies In Timber Management & Silviculture As They Affect The Lumber Industry: A Case Study of the Black Hills. SD Dept. Of Game & Fish.
- Northern State University. Shelterbelt Vol. IV An Anthology of Works by NSU Students. (poetry+)
- Nordness, Reinhart L. Joseph Ward The Builder.
- Northrop, Henry Davenport. Indian Horrors Or, Massacres By The Red Men…… Including A Full Account of the Daring Deeds and Tragic Death if the World-Renowned Chief, Sitting Bull………
- Norris, Kathleen. Dakota, A Spiritual Geography. (/D)
- Norris, Kathleen. The Cloister Walk.
- Nylander, August. Survival Of A Noble Race. (/C)
O# Author Title Note
- Oaks, Barbara. The Bannisters. A Historical novel set in Dakota Territor. (C/D)
- Oaks, Barbara. Queen City Of The Plains.
- Oaks, Barbara. Prairie Tales And Others. SOLD
- Oaks, Barbara. Wild Flowers And How They Grow. (A/C)
- Oaks, Barbara. Woman Of The Prairie.
- O’Brien, Dan. Equinox.
- O'Brien, Dan. Buffalo For The Broken Heart. Restoring Life To A Black Hills Ranch.
- O’Brien, Dan. In The Center Of The Nation.
- O’Brien, Dan. The Indian Agent A Novel.
- O’Connor, Richard. Sitting Bull. War Chief of the Sioux. Sold
- Ode, David J. Dakota Flora.
- Ode, Kim. Prairie Beat.
- O’Harra, Cleophas C. O’Harra’s Handbook Of The Black Hills. (/A)
- O'Neal, Agnes. Borne On Eagle's Wings.
- Olseth, O.H. Bound In Darkness. (/B)
- Olseth, O.H. Mama Came From Norway. (C/C)
- Olson, James C. Red Cloud and the Sioux Problem. (*a)
- Olson, Virginia Floren Dear Friend. Album Depicting the Family History of Myron Floren. (B/B)
- Olson, Wayne. Margaret H. (A Love Story). (A)(*a)
- Ortman, Dr. Ervin. A Touching Story. (B/A)
- Osborn, Henry Fairfield. The Titanotheres of Ancient Wyoming, Dakota and Nebraska Vol. 1&2 USGS 1929. Sold
- Osinski, Alice. A New True Book The Sioux.
- Ostenso, Martha. The Dark Dawn.
- Ostenso, Martha. The Mad Carews.
- Ostenso, Martha. O River, Remember! (/B)
- Ostenso, Martha. The Sunset Tree. Sold
- Ostenso, Martha. Wild Geese. Sold
- Ostenso, Martha. The Waters Under The Earth.
- Ostenso, Martha. The Young May Moon. SOLD
- Ostrander, A.B. After 60 Years. Sequel to a Story on the Plains.
- Ottoson, Howard W. Land and People in the Northern Plains Transition Area. (*b)
- Over, William H. Amphibians and Reptiles of South Dakota. (C)
- Over, W.H. Archaeology in South Dakota. (B)
- Over, William H. & Craig S. Thorns. Birds of South Dakota. (B/A)
- Over, William H. Flora of South Dakota. (B)
- Over, William H. Life of Sitting Bull.
- Over, William H. Wild Flowers of South Dakota. (xxx)
- Oyan, Ethel R. South Dakota for Young People. (B)(*a)
- Oyos, Lynwood E. Following In His Steps. Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society 1922-1997.
- Oyos, Lynwood E. Over a Century of Leadership. South Dakota Territorial & State Governors (have one copy that has been signed by several Governors). (C/B)
P# Author Title Note
- Packard, Frank H. “I Remember” (Packard family & early memories – Redfield area). Sold
- Palmer, Everett W. The Glorious Imperative.
- Palmer, Everett W. There Is An Answer.
- Palmer, Everett W. You Can Have a New Life.
- Palmer, Roy A. Marie-Of Circle-A. Story of the Black Hills Country.
- Parker, Donald Dean. Denominational Histories of South Dakota.
- Parker, Donald Dean. Early Churches and Towns In South Dakota. Sold
- Parker, Donald Dean. Founding The Church In South Dakota. (/B)
- Parker, Donald Dean. Founding Presbyterianism In South Dakota. Sold
- Parker, Donald Dean. Lac Qui Parle, Its Missionaries, Traders and Indians. Sold
- Parker, Donald Dean, editor. Revised & Edited by Bertha E. Johnson Local History How To Gather It, Write It, & Publish It. Sold
- Parker, Donald Dean. The Recollections of Philander Prescott. Frontiersman of the Old Northwest. Sold
- Parker, Donald Dean. DSouth Dakota Under Four Flags.
- Parker, Lester Shepard. Nancy MacIntyre A Tale Of The Prairies. (romantic poetry) SOLD
- Parker, Watson & Hugh K. Lambert. Black Hills Ghost Towns. (B/A)(*c)
- Parker, Watson. Deadwood The Golden Years. (A)(*a)
- Parker, Watson. Gold In The Black Hills. (C)(*c)
- Palmer, Everett W. There Is An Answer.
- Palmer, Everett W. You Can Have A New Life!
- Palmer, Roy A. Marie-Of Circle-A.
- Parrish, Randall. Bob Hampton of Placer. (B)
- Partridge, Helen Johnson. 1 Marriage License, 1 Horse Collar. Signed.
- Patten, Lewis B. Proudly They Die.
- Patton, Don. The Bunch Quitter. (/A)
- Pearce, W.M. The Matador Land And Cattle Company. (*a)
- Pearson, Pauline. Pencil Points. (poetry)
- Peattie, Roderick. The Black Hills. (/A)
- Pennington, Robert. Oscar Howe Artist of the Sioux. (/A)
- Perry, Robert J. Prayer Rock. The Story of the Settlement of the Glacial Lake Area Dacotah Territories. Sold
- Perry, Stephen. In Praise Of The Trinity.
- Peschl, Fred as told to Gary Goreham. I’m “Fred” The Fred Peschl Story. (/C)
- Petersen, Lyle E. & Arthur H. Richardson. The Wild Turkey In The Black Hills. Sold
- Peterson, H.L. Dusty Trails and Iron Rails. 60 years on the Dakota Prairie. (/F)
- Peterson, H.L. One Man’s Life. (/A)
- Peterson, Marlyce Haug. Prairie Child.
- Peterson, P.D. Through the Black Hills And Bad Lands of South Dakota. (B/D)
- Peterson, Ruth, compiled by. South Dakota Arbor and Bird Day Book. (B/B)
- Petsch, Bruno C. & Duncan J. McGregor. Minerals And Rocks of South Dakota. Sold
- Pettingill, Jr. , Olin Sewall & Nathaniel R. Whitney, Jr. Birds Of The Black Hills.
- Pfaller, Louis. Father DeSmet In Dakota.
- Philbrick, Nathaniel. The Last Stand. Custer, Sitting Bull & The Battle of the Little Bighorn. SOLD
- Plowden, David. Floor of the Sky.
- Pohl, Sister Susan, compiled by. Letters Of Paul.
- Pohl, Sister Susan. Acts Of the Apostles A Study Guide for Prayerful Reading and Reflection.
- Popowski, Bert. South Dakota Brags. (/F)
- Popowski, Harriet Seymour. Eighty Times Around The Sun. (B)
- Porter, Melinda Camber. Badlands.
- Potomac Corral of the Westerners. Great Western Indian Fights. (*c)
- Power, Charlene, compiler. New Uff-Da, The. A Collection of 189 ½ Norwegian Jokes
- Powers, William K. Oglala Religion. SOLD
- Praus, Alexis. A New Pictographic Autobiography Of Sitting Bull.
- Presbytery of South Dakota.
- Pressler, Larry. US Senator From the Prairie.
- Price, Marjorie Yates & S. Goodale Price. Daughter of the Gold Camp.
- Price, Marjorie Yates. The Lovely Land.
- Price, S. Goodale. Ghost Of Golconda Black Hills Historical Guide Book. (/A)(*d)
- Price, S. Goodale. Saga Of The Black Hills. An Illustrated Story of the Last Frontier.
- Price, Jack. Wild Horse Robbins. (C)
- Price, Willadene. Gutzon Borglum Artist and Patriot. Sold
- Progulske, Donald R. Shideler Following Custer.
- Progulske, Donald R. Yellow Ore, Yellow Hair, Yellow Pine. (B/C)
- Prolman, Marilyn. The Story of Mount Rushmore.
- Pullman, Elmer. Putting Out The Fleece. Autobiography.
- Pummel, George Gilbert. Dwellers of the Magic Mountains. (/D)
- Putnam, Erna. South Dakota A State To Behold. (B/C)
- Putney, Effie Florence. America Begins 4th Grade History. (/A)
- Putney, Effie F. In The South Dakota Country, Vol.I. (B/G)
- Putney, Effie F. In The South Dakota Country, Vol. II.
- Putney, Effie Florence. The Little Ally. (B)
- Putney, Effie Florence. Our Country 5th Grade History. (/C)
R# Author Title Note
- Ramich, Nellie I. The Singing Heart. (*a)
- Ramsey, Douglas & Larry Skroch. One To Remember: The Relentless Blizzard of March 1966.
- Ranney, Brooks. To Cross The River Barriers.
- Ransom, Frank L. Civil Government of the United States and South Dakota. (/C)
- Ransom, Frank L. Digest of Township Laws 1947 & 1949.
- Ransom, Frank L. Science Paths Sixth Grade. Sold
- Ransom, Frank L. The Sunshine State. (B/A)
- Ransom, Frank L. The Young Citizen. (/F)
- Raventon, Edward. Island In The Plains. A Black Hills Natural History.
- Raymond, Robert G. Scouting, Cavorting and Other World War II Memories.
- Recker, Nancy. An Institution Of Organized Kindness (Sioux Valley Hospital). SOLD
- Red Shirt, Delphine. George Sword’s Warrior Narratives.
- Reddin, Gladys M. The Johnnie Bruin Stories. (/B)
- Redlin, L. Dale. It Takes Cow Chips to Make Dinner. Growing Up in Rural SD in the 30s & 40s.
- Reedstrom, Ernest Lisle. Bugles, Banners And War Bonnets. Sold
- Reeves, George S. A Man From South Dakota. (/B)
- Reed, Dorinda Riessen. The Woman Suffrage Movement In South Dakota. SOLD
- Reeves, Mildred Eckholt. To Thee I Come.
- Regli, Adolph. The Real Book About Buffalo Bill.
- Reigstad, Paul. Rolvaag His Life And Art. (A)(*a)
- Reimann, Lewis C. The Lake Poinsett Story. A Venture in Faith. (B/H)
- Reinecke, Martin J. The Sled & Other Stories.
- Reisdorph, C.C. A Bowl Of Hot Oatmeal.
- Remington, Frederic. Pony Tracks. Sold
- Reynolds, Quentin. Custer’s Last Stand.
- Rezatto, Helen. Mount Moriah. (A)(*d)
- Rezatto, Helen. Tales of the Black Hills. (B)
- Richards, Lyndall Hubbard. All In Love. (poetry)
- Richards, Lyndall Hubbard. Moods and Meditations. (poetry)
- Richards, Rusty. Casey Tibbs Born to Ride. The Only authorized biography. (B)
- Richardson, Arthur H. & Lyle E. Petersen. History And Management Of South Dakota Deer. SD Dept. of Game & Fish. (/G)
- Richardson, Marilyn & Janice H. Mikesell. Women Houses and Homes (an anthology of prose & photography)
- Richmond, Robert W. & Robert W. Mardock. A Nation Moving West.
- Rickards, Colin. Bowler Hats and Stetsons. (*a)
- Rickey, Don J. Forty Miles a Day on Beans and Hay. The Enlisted Soldier Fighting the Indian Wars. Sold
- Rickey, Don. War in the West. Indian Campaigns. (A)(*b)
- Riedel, Steve. Dr. Joe And The Snowman.
- Riggs, Stephen Riggs. Dakota-English Dictionary 1892, leather. Sold
- Riggs, T.F. A Log House Was Home. South Dakota Stories For My Two Boys. Sold
- Riis, Jacob A. Theodore Roosevelt The Citizen. SOLD
- Riley, Marvin P. The Hutterite Brethren. Annotated Bibliography with Special Reference to South Dakota Hutterite Colonies. SOLD
- Rippey, James C. Goodbye, Central; Hello World. A Centennial History of Northwestern Bell (B/A)
- Robbins, Kenneth. The Baptism of Howie Cobb. A Novel.
- Roberts, Frank H.H. editor. River Basin Surveys Papers. Inter-Agency Archeological Salvage Program Nos. 15-20.
- Roberts, Nora. Black Hills (fiction)
- Robinson III, Charles M. A Good Year to Die The Story of the Great Sioux Wa.r
- Robinson, Chad Lee. The Deep End Of The Sky. (poetry)
- Robinson, .H.C. Moments of Memory. Picture Poems.
- Robinson, Doane. A Brief History of South Dakota. (B/A)
- Robinson, Doane. Encyclopedia of South Dakota. SOLD
- Robinson, Doane. A History Of The Dakota or Sioux Indian. SOLD
- Robinson, Doane, Revised by R.F. Kerr. A History of South Dakota. SOLD
- Robinson, Doane. History of South Dakota Vol. I & II. SOLD
- Robinson, Doane. South Dakota. 3 volume set. SOLD
- Robinson, James M. West From Fort Pierre. (A) (*a)
- Robinson, W.G. Secr. & Hist. The World War II History Commission. South Dakota In World War II. (/B)
- Rolvaag, O.E. Giants in the Earth. (B/B)
- Rolvaag, O.E. Pure Gold.
- Ronda, James P. Lewis and Clark Among the Indians.
- Roosevelt, Theodore. Theodore Roosevelt An Autobiography.
- Roosevelt, Theodore. Ranch Life And Hunting Trail. (*a)
- Roosevelt, Theodore. Stories Of The Great West. Sold
- Roosevelt, Theodore. The Winning Of The West. vol. 1 (The Works Of)
- Rosa, Joseph G. Gun Fighter: Man or Myth. (*a)
- Rosa, Joseph G. They Called Him Wild Bill. The Life & Adventures of James Butler Hickok.
- Rosdhal, Robert. My Family Secrets. SOLD
- Roseland, Bruce. The Last Buffalo. Poems. (poetry)
- Roseland, Bruce. A Prairie Prayer. Poems. (poetry)
- Rosenbohm, Dena. Grandma’s Letters To Her Grandchildren. (poetry) Sold
- Ross, Dr. A.C. Ehanamani “Walks Among” An Autobiography. New
- Ross, A.J. South Dakota Civil Government. Sold
- Rothrock, E.P. A Geology of South Dakota. Part I – The Surface. SOLD
- Rothrock, E.P. A Geology of South Dakota. Part III – Mineral Resources. Sold
- Rothrock, E.P. Geology of The Missouri Valley and Vicinity Near Mobridge #58.
- Rothrock, E.P. & E.G. Otton. Ground Water Resources of the Sioux Falls Area, South Dakota. Part I – Description #56. Sold
- Rothrock, E.P. Sand and Gravel Deposits In The Missouri Valley Between Little Bend And White River #47. (/A)
- Rothrock, E.P. Structures South Of The Black Hills. Report of Investigations No. 62 Three Maps included.
- Rounds, Glen, illustrator. Aesop’s Fables. Sold
- Rounds, Glen. Buffalo Harvest.
- Rounds, Glen, illustrator. Rebecca Caudill & James Ayers, authors Contrary Jenkins
- Rounds, Glen, illustrator. Cross Your Fingers, Spit In Your Hat. Superstitions & Other Beliefs Collected by Alvin Schwartz. (/A)
- Rounds, Glen, illustrator. Berniece Freschet, author. The Happy Dromedary. (C)
- Rounds, Glen, illustrator. Maria Leach, author. How the People Sang the Mountains Up.
- Rounds, Glen. I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly.
- Rounds, Glen. Yowder and the Giant Bull Snake. (B)
- Rounds, Glen. Yowder And The Rain Robbers.
- Rounds, Glen. Yowder And the Steamboat. (C)
- Rounds, Glen. Ol’ Paul The Mighty Logger. (C)
- Rounds, Glen. Rain in the Woods.
- Rounds, Glen. Stolen Pony .
- Rounds, Glen. The Treeless Plains. (A)(*a)
- Rounds, Glen. Whitey and the Colt-Killer. (C)
- Rounds, Glen. Wild Appaloosa.
- Rozeboom, Maas. Inspiring Poems. (poetry)
- Rubey, William. Lithologic Studies of Fine-Grained Upper Cretaceous Sedimentary Rocks of the Black Hills Region.
- Ruble, Kenneth D. Farmers Make It Happen. Land O’ Lakes. (/D)
- Ruble, Kenneth D. Men to Remember. How 100,000 Neighbors Made History. (/G)
- Rus, Jennie, compiler. Kaptein Family History.
- Russell, Byron A. It Was Like This.
- Russell, Don. Sioux Buffalo Hunters.
- The Russell-Collins 1874 Gold Expedition to the Black Hills of Dakota. (*d)
- Russell, Don. The Lives And Legends of Buffalo Bill.
- Rutter, Michael. Myths and Mysteries of the Old West. SOLD
- Ryan, Ed. Me And the Black Hills. (/A)
- Ryan, Rev. T.J., editor. Faith, Hope & Hilarity A Book of Revelation. Stories of Life in the Shadow of the Spires.
- Rywell, Martin. The Gun That Shaped American Destiny. Sold
S# Author Title Note
- Sabin, Edwin L. Opening The West With Lewis And Clark. Sold
- Sale, Richard. The White Buffalo. (*a)
- Salisbury, Albert & Jane. Two Captains West. Historical Tour of the Lewis and Clark Trail.
- Samp, Ardyce Habeger. When Coffee Was A Nickel. (C/B)
- Sampson, York, editor. South Dakota Fifty Years of Progress 1889-1939. (C)
- Sanders, Coyne Steven & Ginny Weissman. Champagne Music. Sold
- Sanders, Mary Frances. Robert In A Forbidden Land. The First White Boy in the Black Hills.
- Sandoz, Mari. The Battle of the Little Bighorn. (/A)
- Sandoz, Mari. The Buffalo Hunter. (/A)
- Sandoz, Mari. The Cattlemen.
- Sandoz, Mari. Cheyenne Autumn.
- Sandoz, Mari. Crazy Horse. (/B)(*b)
- Sandoz, Mari. Hostiles And Friendlies. Selected Short Writings. Sold
- Sandoz, Mari. Love Song To The Plains. (/A)
- Sandoz, Mari. Miss Morissa. (/A)
- Sandoz, Mari. Old Jules. (B/B)
- Sandoz, Mari. Old Jules Country. (B)
- Sandoz, Mari. Song Of The Gamblin Man.
- Sandoz, Mari. These Were The Sioux. (*a)
- Sass, Herbert Ravenel. Hear Me, My Chiefs! Sold
- Saunders, Winnie Crandall. Daughters of Dakota. (*a)
- Saunders, Winnie Crandall. To Span A Continent.
- Scandrett, Weaver L. Looking Back. (A)(*b)
- Schade, Arthur A. A Place To Abide.
- Schatz, August H. Longhorns Bring Culture.
- Scheiber, Harry N. The Old North-West. Studies in Regional History, 1787-1910. Sold
- Schell, Herbert S. History of South Dakot. (B/D)
- Schell, Herbert Samuel. South Dakota Its Beginnings And Growt.
- Schmitt, Tom, editor. Portraits Of South Dakota. Pride In Our Hometowns: Lennox, Madison, Miller, Mobridge, Platt, Vermillion, Watertown, Webster, Yankton. (B)(*C)
- Schmutterer, Gerhard M. Tomahawk and Cross. Lutheran Missionaries Among the Northern Plains Tribes 1858-1866. (B)
- Schneider, Bill. The Dakota Image. A Photographic Celebration.
- Schock, Al. Brothers In War. (B)
- Schock, Al. The Schock Brothers Al and Ozzie.
- Schofield, Matthew V., Jr. When Reason Fails.
- Schubert, Frank N. Vanguard of Expansion. Army Engineers in the Trans-Mississippi West 1819-1879.
- Schuler, Harold H. Adjutants General of the South Dakota national Guard.
- Schuler, Harold H. Camp Rapid Home of the South Dakota National Guard. (B/A)
- Schuler, Harold H. Fort Sully Guns At Sunse. Sold
- Schuler, Harold H. A History of Pharmacy in SD.
- Schuler, Harold H. New South Dakota Government. (/A)
- Schuler, Harold H. South Dakota Armories. Sold
- Schuler, Harold H. The South Dakota Capitol In Pierre.
- Schult, Milo J. Where Buffalo Roam.
- Schultz, James Willard. Why Gone Those Times? Blackfoot Tales Illustrated by Charles M. Russell. Sold
- Schuyler, Linfred. South Dakota Territorial and Statehood Post Offices 1860-1983. SOLD
- Scrivner, Kenm compiled by. Lowell The Story of Lowell Lundstrom & His Ministry. (A/A)
- Searight, Walter V. Preliminary Report of the Coal Resources of South Dakota #3. Sold
- Sedgwick, Rhonda Coy. Sky Trails. The Life of Clyde W. Ice.
- Sell, Henry Blackman & Victor Weybright. Buffalo Bill And The Wild West.
- Settle, Raymond W. & Mary Lund. War Drums and Wagon Wheels. (/A)
- Severson, Harlan M. Stepping Forward, Boldly. The Story of East River Electric Power Cooperative. (B/A)
- Seymour, Forrest W. Sitanka. The Full Story of Wounded Knee.
- Shackleford, William Yancey. Buffalo Bill Cody.
- Shaff, Howard & Audrey Karl Shaff. Six Wars At A Time. Life & Times of Gutzon Borglum. (B)
- Shay, Mrs. Emma Freeland. Floral Souvenirs of English Authors. Portfolio issued by English Dept. Wessington Springs Jr. College.
- Sherrill, Robert & Harry W. Ernst. The Drugstore Liberal. Hubert Humphrey In Politics.
- Sherwood, Dr. H.W. Beloved Physician. (B/A)
- Sioux Indians. A Socio-Ethnological History. Sold
- Siouxland Creative Writers Club. Once More With Feeling. Anthology II. (poetry +)
- Sirvaitis, Karen. South Dakota (Hello U.S.A.).
- Skarsten, M.O. Those Remarkable People The Dakotas. Sold
- Skells, James. The Colonel.
- Smith, Clarence H. Prairie Memories. (poetry)
- Smith, George M. & Clark M. Young. History And Civil Government of South Dakota. (/D)
- Smith, George M. & Clark M. Young. The State And Nation.
- Smith, Hubert G. Fort Pierre II, A Historic Trading Post in the Oahe Dam Area, South Dakota #18. Sold
- Smith, JoAnn Kelley. Free Fall.
- Smith, Matthews D. Circuit Riders Of The Middle Border. A History of Methodism in South Dakota. (A/A)
- Smith, Rex Alan. The Carving of Mount Rushmore. (A/A)
- Smith, Rex Alan. Moon Of Popping Trees. (A)(*a)
- Smith, Roy. The Deer on the Freeway. (poetry)
- Smith, V.J. The Richest Man in Town.
- Sneen, Donald J., editor. Prairie Faith, Pioneering People. A History of the Lutheran Church in South Dakota. (B)
- Sneen, Donald. Through Trials and Triumphs: A History of Augustana College.
- Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk. Betrayed. (*a)
- Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk. The Chichi Hoohoo Bogeyman. (*a)
- Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk. The Dakota’s Heritage. (D)(*i)
- Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk. Dancing TeePee.
- Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk. High Elk’s Treasure. (C/B)
- Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk. Lana's Lakota Moons.
- Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk. Jimmy Yellow Hawk. (B)
- Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk. South Dakota Geographic Names. (/A)
- Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk. They Led a Nation. (*b)
- Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk. When Thunders Spoke.
- Snyder, A.B. to Nellie Snyder Yost. Pinnacle Jake. (B)(*d)
- Snyder, Grace as told to Nellie Snyder Yost. No Time On My Hands. Sold
- Soladay, Mildred. Friends Of The Middle Border Museum Of Pioneer Life.
- Soladay, Mildred. Oscar Howe Artist Laureate of the Middle Border.
- Solberg, Carl. Hubert Humphrey A Biography.
- Solensten, John. Good Thunder A Novel.
- Sollid, Robert Beed. Calamity Jane – A Study In Historical Criticism. Sold
- South Dakota Association of Soil & Water. History of South Dakota’s Conservation Districts. (B)
- South Dakota Bicentennial Committee Inc. South Dakota’s Commemoration Of The Nation’s Bicentennial. (B)
- South Dakota Board of Railroad Commissioners. June 30, 1924
- South Dakota Brand Board. South Dakota Brand Book 1943. Sold
- South Dakota Department of Agriculture. Black Hills Area resources Study. 1967
- South Dakota Department of Agriculture. 50 Years Of Progress In South Dakota 1902-1952. SOLD
- South Dakota Department of Agriculture. South Dakota Weeds.
- South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks. Conservation Highlights. 1962-63; 1963-64.
- South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks. The Fledgling Birder. Intro to South Dakota Birds and Birdwatching. (A)
- South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks. Looking Back Past 50 Years 1909-1959. (B)
- South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks. The Sharp-Tailed Grouse In South Dakota.
- South Dakota Department of Public Instruction. Arbor Day Annual. April 22, 1904; April 21, 1905.
- South Dakota Department of Public Instruction. Conservation Of South Dakota natural Resources.
- South Dakota Department of Public Instruction. Social Studies Bulletin for the Elementary Schools of South Dakota. Bulletin #74.
- South Dakota Extension Homemakers. South Dakota A State To Behold. (+)
- South Dakota Farmscapes The Photography of John Front.
- South Dakota Fifty Years of Progress 1889-1939. (B/A)
- South Dakota Golf Course Guide. Illus. by Tony Weier. 1995.
- South Dakota In World War II. (A)
- South Dakota Legislative Research Council. Biographical Directory of the South Dakota Legislature 1889-1989. Vol. I & II (/A)
- South Dakota Magazine. South Dakota’s Best Stories. (/B)
- South Dakota Magazine. South Dakota Photographed.
- South Dakota Office of Tourism. South Dakota the Great Sioux Nation.
- South Dakota Oral History Project. The South Dakota Experience. An Oral History Collection of Its People. Vol. I & II. SOLD
- South Dakota Order Of Eastern Star. Proceedings Grand Chapter of South Dakota Order of Eastern Star 1970, Sioux Falls, SD.
- South Dakota Ornithologists’ Union. The Birds Of South Dakota. (/A)
- South Dakota Periodicals Index 1987-1991.
- South Dakota, State of South Dakota Women 1850-1919: A Bibliography. (/A)
- South Dakota Students (from interviews of older Dakotans 1976-77). Life Stories. SOLD
- South Dakota Weed Board. South Dakota Weeds. (C/B)
- South Dakota Woman’s Relief Corps. Auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Republic. Journal of 94th Annual Convention. 1975-76, 1976-77. SOLD
- Sparagur, Jill. Jill’s Poems. (poetry)
- Speece, Wynn with Jill Karolevitz. The Best of the Neighbor Lady.
- Spencer, William Loring. Calamity Jane, a Story of the Black Hills. (*c)
- Spencer, Velva-Lu & Charles L. Woodard. Regional Directory of Native American Resources.
- Spindler, Will H. Tragedy Strikes at Wounded Knee. (*b)
- Spring, Agnes Wright. The Cheyenne And Black Hills Stage And Express Routes. (A)(*a)
- Stack, Dr. Phillip. Refugees Anyone? Story of a Cuban Refugee Family In South Dakota.
- Stahl, Mrs. Jacob. History Of The Hutterite Mennonites. (/A)
- Standing Bear, Luther. Land Of The Spotted Eagle. Sold
- Standing Bear, Luther. My People The Sioux. (*a)
- Stangland, E.C. “Red”. Norwegian Stories. (*b)
- Stangland, Red. Ole and Lena Book 6.
- Starita, Joe. The Dull Knifes Of Pine Ridge A Lakota Odyssey. SOLD
- Stark, Phyllis. I Chose a Parson. (B/B)
- Starling, Edmund W. Starling Of The White House. (C)
- Stavig, Art (Grandpa). Dear Elmer: The Unexpurgated Memoirs Of A “Bloviated” Norwegian.
- Stavig, Art (Grandpa). Grandpa’s Troll Stories. Sold
- Stavig, Art (Grandpa). Rhymes of Second Childhood. (poetry)
- Stavig, Art (Grandpa). Rhymes in Early Minnesota English. (poetry)
- Steele, N.E. The Geography Of South Dakota.
- Steelman, Robert J. Portrait of a Sioux. (*b)
- Steelman, Robert J. Surgeon To The Sioux.
- Stegner, Wallace. The Uneasy Chair. Biography of Bernard DeVoto. Sold
- Stein, R. Conrad. The Story of the Little Bighorn (Cornerstones of Freedom Series).
- Steiner, Stan. The Vanishing White Man. (*a)
- Stensland, Doris. Haul The Water Haul The Water. (/A)
- Stephan, E. Alice Frank’s Grains of Wheat.
- Stevens, Barbara, editor. Voices Of South Dakota III. (poetry)
- Stewart, Edgar I. Custer’s Luck. SOLD
- Stimson, H.A. (Al) Depot Days. SOLD
- Stoddard, William O. Little Smoke. SOLD
- Stolzman, William (First Eagle). How To Take Part In Lakota Ceremonies.
- Straight, Michael. Carrington. A Novel of the West.
- Strasser, Joel. Where My heart Is. (B)
- Strasser, Joel & Lavonne, text by Doris Stensland. Love Of The Land.
- Strasser, Townsend, Woster. South Dakota 100. Centennial Project of KELO-Land TV stations. (/B)
- Stubbles, Russell L. Skyscrapers of the Prairie: South Dakota’s Historic Wooden Grain Elevators.
- Stukel, Eileen Dowd. Shorebirds Of South Dakota.
- Stukel, Eileen Dowd, Douglas C. Backlund, Maggie E. Hachmeister & Terry Wright. Sharing Your Space. Homeowner’s Guide to Attracting Backyard Wildlife. SOLD
- Stutenroth, Mrs. Stella Marie. Daughters of Dacotah.
- Sues, Otto L. Grigsby’s Cowboys. Third US Volunteer Cavalry 1900. Sold
- Sugrue, T. & Col. Edmund W. Starling. Starling Of The White House. (C/F)
- Sulentic, Joe. Deadwood Gulch The Last Chinatown. (B)(*d)
- Sunder, John E. The Fur Trade On The Upper Missouri: 1840-1865.
- Sutley, Zack T. The Last Frontier.
- Sutton, Ernest V. A Life Worth Living. Limited to 2000 copies.
- Swann, Carlee. Echoes From All Seasons. (poetry)
- Swann, Carlee. Patches of Earth. (poetry)
- Swann, Carlee. “Wanna go to Sally’s?” (poetry)
- Swann, Charles. The Hadley Poems. (poetry)
- Swastek, Rev. Joseph. Korczak Ziolkowski Mountain Carver.
- Swedberg, Gertrude L. Public, Press And Prairie. The Life of John M. King II
T# Author Title Note
- Taber, Clarence W. Breaking Sod On The Prairies. Story of Early Days In Dakota. Sold
- Taliaferro, John. Great White Fathers. Story of the Obsessive Quest to Create Mt. Rushmore.
- Tallent, Annie D. The Black Hills or Last Hunting Grounds Of The Dakotahs 1874-1876. Centennial Edition.
- Talley, Tyra. Lute Song. Signed (poetry) (B/C)
- Tassin, Ray. Stanley Vestal, Champion of the Old West. (*a)
- Taylor, Don Alonzo. Old Sam, Thoroughbred Trotter. (/B)
- Taylor, Frances Lilian. Two Indian Children of Long Ago. (*a)
- Taylor, Jen Nicholas. Called Home. A Novel from the SD Prairie.
- Taylor, Kathleen. The Hotel South Dakota. Sold
- Tebbel, John & Keith Jennison. The American Indian Wars.
- Tekiela, Stan. Birds of the Dakota Field Guide. SOLD
- Terrell, John Upton & Donna M. Terrell. Indian Women of the Western Morning Their Life in Early America. SOLD
- Terrell, John Upton. The Six Turnings. Major Changes in the American West 1806-1834. (A)(*c)
- Terrell, John Upton. Sioux Trail.
- Thatcher, Graham. I Know What I Like! Everyone’s Guide To The Arts.
- Thatcher, Mildred. Wild Honey. (poetry) (B)
- Theisz, R.D., editor. Buckskin Tokens. Contemporary Oral Narratives of the Lakota.
- Thompson, Harry F. Guide To The Archives Of The South Dakota Conference Of The United Church Of Christ.
- Thompson, Harry F. editor. A New South Dakota History. SOLD
- Thompson, Harry, F., Arthur R. Huseboe & Lisa Hollaar. Papers of the 34th Annual Dakota Conference "The Lewis and Clark Expedition: Then and Now".
- Thompson, Jane C. editor. Wit & Wisdom of Hubert H. Humphrey.
- Thompson, Kathleen. Portrait of America South Dakota. SOLD
- Thompson, Rod. The Black Hills.
- Thomson, Frank. Last Buffalo of the Black Hills.
- Thomson, Frank. The Thoen Stone: A Saga of the Black Hills. (A)(*a)
- Thorpe, Cleata B. The John L. Pyle Family: Dakotans Extraordinary 1882-1973. (A)(*c)
- Tibbles, Thomas Henry. The Ponca Chiefs: an Account of the Trial of Standing Bear. (*a)
- Tidball, Nial. Horseracing – in the bushes and beyond.
- Tillett, Leslie. Wind On The Buffalo Grass.
- Tisher, Harold L. , editor. The First 100 Years Of the Grand Lodge AF & AM of South Dakota 1875-1975.
- Tolen, Ron. Black Hills Geological Guidebook.
- Towne, Arthur E. Old Prairie Days.
- Townsley, Janet Howe. Dakota Dreams. Fannie Sabra Howe’s Own Story 1881-1884.
- Trobec, Jay. State of Extremes.
- Tuesday Club Faulkton, South Dakota. Three P’s –or- Pioneer Pen Pictures Of Dakota.
- Tull, Jewell Bothwell. Just Jimm.
- Tull, Jewell Bothwell. That Earns Boy.
- Tullis, Edward & George Rapp, Jr. The Face of the Territory.
- Tupper, Frieda B. Down in Bull Creek. (/A)(*a)
- Turchen, Lesta V. & James D. McLaird. The Black Hills Expedition Of 1875 (limited). (*b)
- Turchen, Lesta Van Der Wert. South Dakota MSS. (Manuscripts).
- Tweton, D. Jerome. The Marquis de Mores. Dakota Capitalist French Nationalist. (B)
U# Author Title Note
- Upton, Richard, compiler & editor. Fort Custer on the Big Horn 1877-1898.
- Upton, Richard, compiler. The Custer Adventure.
- Urbanek, Mae as told by Jerry Urbanek. The Uncovered Wagon.
- Uren, Dollie Wilson. Sunshine and Rain A Book Of Poems. (poetry) Sold
- Utley, Robert M. Frontier Regulars 1866-1891 The US Army & the Indians. (B)(*a)
- Utley, Robert M. Frontiersmen in Blue The US Army & The Indian 1848-1865.
- Utley, Robert M. Indian, Soldier, and SettlerExperiences in the Struggle for the American West. Sold
- Utley, Robert M. & Wilcomb E. Washburn. Indian Wars. Sold
- Utley, Robert M. The Lance And The Shield Life and Times of Sitting Bull. Sold
- Utley, Robert M. The Last Days Of The Sioux Nation.
- Utley, Robert M. , editor. Life in Custer’s Cavalry Diaries & Letters of Albert & Jennie Barnitz, 1867-1868.
V# Author Title Note
- Van Bruggen, Theodore. The Vascular Plants of South Dakota. (C)
- Van Bruggen, Theodore. Wildflowers, Grasses & Other Plants of The Northern Plains & Black Hills.
- Van Bruggen, Theodore. Wildflowers of the Northern Plains and Black Hills. (/A)
- Van Dalsem, Henry A. (from Huron). Poems Of Soul And Home. (poetry) (/A)
- Van Dalsem, Henry Augustus (from Huron). My Soul A Poem In Six Cantos. (signed by his wife).
- Vanderpol, Jeannette A. & Lynn Paley McCain. Stories For Young Dakotans. (/B)
- Vanderpol, Jeannette A. True Stories For Little Dakotans.
- Van Dyne, Edith. Aunt Jane’s Nieces. (B)
- Van Dyne, Edith. Aunt Jane’s Nieces Abroad. (B)
- Van Dyne, Edith. Aunt Jane’s Nieces At Millville.
- Van Dyne, Edith. Aunt Jane’s Nieces At Work. (/B)
- Van Dyne, Edith. Aunt Jane’s Nieces In Society. (/A)
- Van Epps-Taylor, Betti Carol. Oscar Micheaux. Sold
- Van Every, Dale. The Day the Sun Died A Novel.
- Van Nuys, Laura Bower. The Family Band. (B/B)
- Van Nuys, Maxwell. Inkpaduta The Scarlet Point. Terror of the Dakota Frontier & Secret Hero of the Sioux. Sold
- Vaughn, J.W. The Reynolds Campaign on Powder River. (*a)
- Veglahn, Nancy. The Buffalo King. (B)(*e)
- Veglahn, Nancy. Follow The Golden Goose. (B)
- Veglahn, Nancy. Peter Cartwright Pioneer Circuit Rider.
- Veglahn, Nancy. South Dakota States of the Nation.
- Veglahn, Nancy. The Spider of Brooklyn Heights. (/A)(*a)
- Veglahn, Nancy. The Vandals of Treason House. (B/B)
- Vestal, Stanley. Jim Bridger Mountain Man. (*c)
- Vestal, Stanley. The Missouri. (A/B)(*b)
- Vestal, Stanley. Queen Of Cowtowns Dodge City. (B)
- Vickmark, Lillian. Down Memory Lane (For People Over 50).
- Vik, Della B. Vistas. (poetry). SOLD
- Viola, Herman J. Trail To Wounded Knee Last Stand Of The Plains Indians. Sold
- Visser, Audrac. Honyocker Stories.
- Visser, Audrae. Poems For Brother Donald. (poetry)
- Visser, Audrae. Rustic Roads And Other Poems. (poetry) (/A)
- Visser, Audrae. South Dakota. (poetry). (B)
- Voight, Virginia F. Red Cloud Sioux War Chief.
- Volstorff, Vivian V. The Winds of Change An Autobiography of SDSU last Dean of Women.
- Voss, Carroll. White Cap For Rechinda. (/A)
W# Author Title Note
- Wagner, Sally Roesch, editor. And Other Celebrations Of My Father, Fred Roesch.
- Wagner, Sally Roesch, editor. Daughters Of Dakota Vol. I. (C)
- Wagner, Sally Roesch, editor. Daughters Of Dakota Vol. II.
- Wagner, Sally Roesch, editor. Daughters Of Dakota Vol. III.
- Wagner, Sally Roesch, editor. Daughters Of Dakota Vol. IV. SOLD
- Wagner, Sally Roesch, editor. Daughters Of Dakota Vol. V. SOLD
- Wagner, Sally Roesch, editor. Daughters Of Dakota Vol. VI. SOLD
- Wagner, Sally Roesch, (forward & compiler). Grandmother’s Dancing Beads. Sold
- Wakefield, Bob Jean De Haven’s “Trail of the Jackassess”. (C/A)
- Wakefield, Robert. Schwiering and The West. (*a)
- Waldo, Anna Lee. Sacajawea. (*a)
- Waldo, Edna LaMoore. Dakota An Informal Study Of Territorial Days Gleaned From Contemporary Newspapers. Inscription by author. Sold
- Walker, James R. Edited by Raymond J. DeMallie. Lakota Society. Sold
- Walker, Judson Elliott. Campaigns Of General Custer.
- Wall, Dana. Talking South Dakotan. (A/A)
- Walsh, M.M.B. Dolly Purdo. (/A)
- Walter, Delores. D’s Country Diary Collection of Columns Published in The daily Republic at Mitchell, South Dakota, Feb. 1988-May 1993. (B/B)
- Waltner, Edw. P. Inspirational Poems. (poetry)
- Waltner, Emil J. Banished For Faith. Sold
- Waltner, Tim L. The Times and Life of Smokey Joe Mendel.
- Wanamaker, Dix. Just Cleo and Me.
- War Cloud, Paul. Sioux Indian Dictionary.
- Ware, E.R. Forests of South Dakota Their Economic Importance And Possibilities.
- Ware, Eugene F. The Indian War of 1864. (*a)
- Waterland, Joel K. The Mines Around & Beyond. (AA/AA)
- Waterman, Mary Reddick. Sagebrush and Pitchwome.
- Wayne, Hermann. Dogface Wayne. (B/A)(*a)
- Webb, Walter Prescott. The Great Plains.
- Webster, Jason S. Half Century Of Progress Of The South Dakota Crop Improvement Association 1906-1954. (B)
- Webster, Loraine. Stories for Little Sioux and Others Too. (/A)
- Wedel, Waldo R. Prehistory and The Missouri Valley Development Program: Summary Report On The Missouri River Basin Archeological Survey in 1946.
- Weiland, Kevin. The Dakota Diet. Health Secrets from the Great Plains.
- Weinreis, Eva Prouse. A Note on the Teakettle (Pioneer Dakotan on the Final Continental Homestead Frontier). (A)
- Welk, Lawrence. Ah-One, Ah-Two! (/C)(*a)
- Welk, Lawrence. My America Your America. (/C)(*b)
- Welk, Lawrence. The Lawrence Welk Story.
- Welk, Lawrence. Lawrence Welk’s Musical Family Album. (/B)
- Welk, Lawrence with Bernice McGeehan. This I Believe. (/C)
- Welk, Lawrence. Wunnerful, Wunnerful. (B/C)(*b)
- Welk, Lawrence with Bernice McGeehan. You’re Never Too Young. (/A)
- Wendt, Lloyd & Herman Kogan. Bet A Million! The Story of John W. Gates.
- Wendt, Lloyd & Herman Kogan. Big Bill Of Chicago. (/A)
- Wendt, Lloyd & Herman Kogan. Give the Lady What She Wants. (B/E)
- Wendt, Lloyd & Herman Kogan. Lord Of The Levee. (B/C)
- Werner, Fred H. The Slim Buttes Battle Sept. 9-10, 1876. Sold
- Wetmore, Helen Cody & Zane Grey. Last Of The Great Scouts (Buffalo Bill). (A)(*a)
- What Does South Dakota Do Now About Railroads? Sold
- Wheeler, Col. Homer W. Buffalo Days. Sold
- Wheeler, Keith. The Last Mayday.
- Wheeler, Keith. The Pacific Is My Beat. (C/D)
- Wheeler, Keith. The Reef.
- Wheeler, Keith. Peaceable Lane. (B)
- Wharton, Ruby I. 10 Week Wonder To 46 Year Veteran.
- Whipple, Frank W. Succotash From My Garden of Memories.
- White, Bernice, editor. Who’s Who for South Dakota 1956 A Biographical Directory. (/C)
- White, Bernice, editor. Who’s Who for South Dakota 1961.
- White, Steward Edward. The Blazed Trail. Sold
- White, Stewart Edward. The Claim Jumper. (/A)
- White, Stewart Edward. The Westerns. (/C)
- Whitney, Nathaniel R. , chairman. The Birds of South Dakota. Sold
- Wichman, Carl H. editor. A Merrie Prairie Christmas. Holiday Memories, Tales & Traditions from the Dakotas & Minn.
- Wick, Ned Elvin. Enigma. (*a)
- Wick, Ned Elvin. Seven Months of Sin. (/D)(*a)
- Wier, Delight B I Married a Farmer. (/A)
- Wietgrefe, Gary W. Destination North Pole 5,000 North Pole. 5,000 km by bicycle.
- Wiggins, Margaret J. Black Hills Gold And Other Tellable Tales.
- Wild Life On The Plains And Horrors Of Indian Warfare (Mass Violence in America series).
- Wilder, Laura Ingalls. Complete Set of Little House Books 8 vols. ppbks Harper Trophy Set.
- Wilder, Laura Ingalls. By The Shores Of Silver Lake. Sold
- Wilder, Laura Ingalls. Farmer Boy . Sold
- Wilder, Laura Ingalls. A Little House Christmas. Sold
- Wilder, Laura Ingalls. Little House In The Big Woods. Sold
- Wilder, Laura Ingalls. Little House On The Prairie. Sold
- Wilder, Laura Ingalls. Little Town On The Prairie. Sold
- Wilder, Laura Ingalls. The Long Winter.
- Wilder, Laura Ingalls. My First Little House Book The Deer In The Woods. Sold
- Wilder, Laura Ingalls. On The Banks of Plum Creek. Sold
- Wilder, Laura Ingalls. On the Way Home. (*b)
- Wilder, Laura Ingalls. These Happy Golden Years. Sold
- Wilder, Laura Ingalls. Edited by MacBride. West From Home. (*d)
- Willard, Daniel E. The Story of the Prairies. Sold
- Williams, Albert N. The Black Hills Mid-Continent Resort.
- Williams, Dorothy. Southeast Of Fourteen A Novel. (B/I)
- Williams, Elizabeth E. Emil Loriks. Builder Of A New Economic Order.
- Williams, Elizabeth. Reflections Of A Prairie Daughter. SOLD
- Williams, Elizabeth Evenson. More Reflections of a Prairie Daughter 30 Year Retrospective 1962-1992 . (/A)
- Williams, Katherine N. Twenty-Two Poems. (poetry)
- Williamson, William. An Autobiography Student, Homesteader, Teacher, Lawyer, Judge, Congressman & Trusted Friend. (A/*)
- Williams, Martin E. Worthwhile Science. (A)
- Willis, David W., Marley D. Beem & Robert L. Hanten. Managing South Dakota Ponds For Fish & Wildlife.
- Willoya, William & Vinson Brown. Warriors Of The Rainbow Strange and Prophetic Dreams of the Indian Peoples. Sold
- Wilmeth, Roscoe. Report of the Investigation of The Payne Site 39WW302 Walworth County, South Dakota. Sold
- Wilson, Dolores Barnes. From the Wrong Side Of The Tracks.
- Wilson, Gilbert L. told to. Buffalo Bird Woman’s Garden.
- Wilson, James J. Valour And Honour In Defense Of Country.
- Wilson, Norma C. & Charles L. Woodard, editors. One-Room Country School South Dakota Stories. (/B)
- Wilson, Raymond. Ohiyesa Charles Eastman, Santee Sioux. SOLD
- Wilstach, Frank J. The Plainsman Wild Bill Hickok.
- Wiper, Steve. South Dakota Class Battleships. Warship Pictorial #32 US Navy.
- Wipf, Mary Elmore. Plains People. (B)
- Wing, Monta E. Structural Survey Of The Pierre Gas Field, South Dakota Report #29.
- WNAX Station Book. Gurney Seed and Nursery Co. 1866-1929.
- Wolbrink, Gideon R. World War II Was Hell But Thank God I Survived.
- Wolle, Muriel Sibell. The Bonanza Trail Ghost Towns and Mining Camps of the West. Sold
- Wood, Verne. Desert Dust. Sold
- Wood, W. Raymond, editor. Papers In Northern Plains Prehistory and Ethnohistory Ice Glider.
- Woodard, Charles L., editor. Country Congregations. SD Stories. (B)
- Woodard, Charles L., editor. Peril and Promise. Essays on Community in South Dakota & Beyond.
- Woodward, Mary Dodge The Checkered Years A Bonanza Farm Diary 1884-88.
- Woolworth, Alan R,. & V Raymond Wood. The Demery Site Oahe Reservoir, South Dakota. Sold
- Workers of the South Dakota Writers Project. WPA Both Sides of the River. (/B)
- Workers of the South Dakota Writers Project Administration. WPA Legends of the Mighty Sioux. (B)
- Works Progress Administration, Federal Writers Project. Check County Histories also.
- Works Progress Administration, Federal Writers Project. WPA A South Dakota Guide MSS (Manuscripts) Vol. I & II. SOLD
- Works Progress Administration, Federal Writers Project Administration. WPA South Dakota A Guide To The State 2nd Edition Revised by M. Lisle Reese 1938. (B)
- Works Progress Administration, Federal Writers’ Project Administration. SD with “Memoirs of a State Director” by M. Lisle Reese. A South Dakota Guide. SOLD
- Works Progress Administration, Federal Writers Project Administration WPA. South Dakota A Guide To The State 1938. (D/B)
- Works Progress Administration of South Dakota. Schools And Their Builders. 1939. SOLD
- Worcester, Donald E. Forked Tongues and Broken Treaties.
- Woster, Jim, Terry & Kevin. The Woster Brothers’ Brand. (B/A)
- Wright, Bob & Kathryn. Montana-Territory of Treasures People, Places, Events.
- Wright, Richard G. Frederick Manfred.
- Wullweber, Marvin. Northern Plains Antique Wrenches and Tools Collectors Guide with Pictures and Prices. (/A)(*a)
- Wyman, Walker D. Frontier Woman. (/A)
- Wyman, Walker D. Nothing But Prairie and Sky. (B/B)
X-Y-Z# Author Title Note
- Yankton Area Chamber of Commerce, Bicentennial Committee. Black People In South Dakota History. Sold
- Yeager, Anson. Anson Yeager’s Stories In Two Volumes. (B)
- Yokley, Ann. Grass And Water.
- Yost, Nellie Snyder. Boss Cowman Recollections of Ed Lemmon, 1857-1946.
- Yost, Nellie Snyder as told to by A.B. Snyder. Pinnacle Jake. Sold
- Young, Dianne L. Muted Grey,
- Young, Gertrude S. William Joshua Cleveland 1845-1910.
- Young, Otis E., Jr. The Mining Men. Sold
- Younger, Beryl Colburn. The Wit and Wisdom of John F. Younger.
- Zehnpfennig, Gladys. The Rock And The Sand.
- Zeilinger, Ron. Kateri Tekakwitha.
- Zeitner, June Culp & Lincoln Borglum. Borglum’s Unfinished Dream Mount Rushmore. (/A)(*h)
- Zeitner, June Culp. Midwest Gem trails.
- Zeitner, June Culp. South Dakota Reprints from Earth Science.
- Zeitner, E.R. A Country For Old Men And Other Stories. (A/*b)
- Zivanovic, Judith K., editor. Opera Houses of the Midwest.
- Zietlow, E.R. The Indian Maiden’s Captivity & The Heart of the Country Two Novels. (/B)
- Zietlow, E.R. These Same Hill, novel.
- Zimmerman, Bill. Airlift to Wounded Knee. (*a)
- Zimmerman, Larry J. Peoples of Prehistoric South Dakota.
- Zitkala-Sa, editor. Old Indian Legends. Sold
- Zochert, Donald. Laura The Life of Laura Ingalls Wilder. (*b)
- Zuern, Ted. Call Them Sioux Musings On Indian Cultures. Sold